CERG has changed the format of UULTI from an expensive residential leadership training to a hybrid / online training. It’s more than a webinar! H-UULTI uses online technology to create a “flipped classroom” experience. Presentations happen online so that when you are meeting in person, you are using your valuable time in experiential and team learning. It’s flexible Presentations and readings can be accessed on-demand so you can learn on your own schedule. It’s deep The flexible format also enables our professional staff to offer both introductory and advanced versions of useful leadership courses. It’s wide Different courses are be offered each semester so that you can choose from a wide variety of offerings from the various leadership development competencies. It’s about your team Participating as a part of a congregational team can make all the difference in keeping your congregation healthy and vibrant. The low cost and flexibility makes it more accessible than a residential leadership school. It’s about the connections As a congregational leader, you already have wisdom and experience. Our process circles and “community of practice” Saturdays will help you connect and share wisdom with UU leaders from other congregations in your area and from around the country. Learn more at www.cerguua.org/HUULTI