UUFA Leaders

If you are interested in getting involved with UUFA please contact our leaders to find out how ! 

UUFA Executive Committee Members – 2023-24 – The purpose of the Executive Committee is to oversee the ongoing business of the UUFA as a representative group elected by the Congregational Assembly. It has the authority to make decisions and to ensure that these decisions are carried out.

All meetings are open to any UUFA Member. Contact: board@uuathensoh.org

Barb Harrison – President – president@uuathensoh.org

Richard Thieret – President-Elect – president-elect@uuathensoh.org (President, July 1, 2024)

Susan Westenbarger – Treasurer – treasurer@uuathens.org

Marilyn Zwayer  – Recorder –recorder@uuathens.org

Andy Ray –  Board member at large

Roberta Roberson – Board Member at large

Jessie Roberson,  Board Member at Large

Nellie James, Board Member at Large

James Dolan , Board Member at Large (beginning July 1, 2024)

Worship Committee 

The worship committee maintains and provides topics and programs for all Sunday services.
In addition the committee may coordinate the schedule of UUFA events and provide programming for public outreach efforts. The programming committee meets the on the first Tuesday evening of the month.

Roberta Roberson & Jessie Roberson – Co-Chairs- Programming Committee

Committee Members:

Nellie James

Pete & Anna

James Dolan

Barb Harrison


Religious Exploration Committee

The RE committee maintains and schedules programming and personnel for Children’s education during the weekly Sunday service. In addition the committee schedules and provides programming for youth and young adults. The RE committee may also coordinate with the Programming Committee on community outreach programming.

  • Currently unfilled

Committee on Ministry / Membership Committee

The purpose of the Committee on Ministry  is to strengthen the quality of ministry within the UUFA and among its members. As such, COM will maintain an active role within the UUFA to address the concerns and needs of the Congregation as a whole. The responsibilities of COM is to be a support group for the Minister and a communication channel between the Minister and the UUFA. In alternate years the committee shall evaluate the ministry of the Minister and the ministry of the UUFA.  Additional responsibilities include creating, updating, and maintaining the Membership Covenant, a Policy on Conflict Resolution and Response to Disruptive Behavior and  the UUFA vision and mission statement. Finally COM will also address any membership issues involving needs, concerns, or behavior.

Barb Harrison – president@uuathensoh.org

Membership Committee 

The Membership committee maintains a representative to greet new attendees at every public service and to encourage them to fill out a visitor’s card. The committee also maintains contact with individual members about needs and concerns. When relevant the committee will bring any issue needing further address to the Committee on Ministry.

Barb Harrison – President – president@uuathensoh.org



The facilities committee maintains the buildings, grounds, and IT infrastructure of the UUFA. The committee also assists the Sexton in execution of the their duties.

Fred Snell- Sexton

Richard Thieret  – President-Elect/Buildings & Grounds  – facilities@uuathens.org

Finance Committee 

The finance committee maintains complete records of all financial pledges to the UUFA, maintains complete records of all donations to the UUFA Endowment Fund, maintains complete records of all receipts and payments. In addition the committee prepares tax returns and other financial documents as required by law. They are also responsible to arrange a yearly audit at the end of the fiscal year and present the report at the next following Executive Committee meeting.

At the end of the fiscal year the committee shall prepare and submit for Executive Committee approval an annual financial report delineating total income and expense by budget category. The financial report
shall be published in the first UUFA newsletter following its approval.  Finally they will assist the Treasurer in executing the Treasurer’s duties.

Susan Westenbarger –

Communication Committee The duty of the committee is to a. Maintain methods of communication within the UUFA. Specifically to promote knowledge about the UUFA within the community at large, have general charge of UUFA records and arrange for the records’ retention, storage, publication, and disposal. In addition the committee will maintain the Bylaws, posting publicly the current version, and saving all previous versions noting date of adoption and replacement. Finally, the committee is charged with maintaining status of current elected officials’ terms including date of election, date of installation to office, and date of term expiration, and make that information publicly available. The committee will also assist the Recorder in executing the Recorder’s duties.

Susan Westenbarger speaks on behalf of the UUFA at College Green rally to protest imimgrants in detention during the first months of 2017.

Marilyn Zwayer – Recorder   – communications@uuathens.org

Barb Harrison – Greensheet / Social Media/Website