UUFA Newsletter – June 22, 2024

Please join us for a Special Sunday Service this week: Sunday, June 23 – Noon- 1:00 PM – Potluck (please bring a dish to share along with a label stating ingredients – please do this extra step for those with food allergies. 1:00 PM – We will view the UUA General Assembly Sunday Service together … [Read more…]

UUFA Newsletter – June 6, 2024

  Investigating faith traditions Come to the UUFA Sunday, June 9, 11:00 am and listen to, and participate in the discussion of the wide variety of faith traditions found in those attending.  After discussing our varied religious backgrounds and the principles that underpin those backgrounds, discussion will focus on the UU principles and values that … [Read more…]

UUFA News May 9, 2024 – Mothers Day service

Sunday, May 12, 2024 11:00 AM Reflections on the Meanings and Myriad Implications of “Mothers Day”   As we face what could prove to be the final days of American-style democracy as we know it, let us consider the words of Unitarian Julia Ward Howe and her original objective in seeking to declare an “Appeal to … [Read more…]

UUFA News May 4 2024

We Remember them…. Kent State University Shootings of May 4 1970 In memory of the students who lost their lives practicing their civil right to protest in the United States of America.  Four young students lost their lives.   Beltane :  Dancing the Maypole & Celebrating with song Please join us tomorrow (May 5th) at … [Read more…]

UUFA Community News April 26 2024

Sunday Service – April 28, 2024 – 11:00 AM – 184 Longview Hts., Athens, OH Carbon connections and complications As ecologic Consumers, stuck in an interdependent web, we are completely immersed in the carbon cycle. From biologic respiration to petroleum products and plastics,  carbon and its products, run our lives and, our lives depends upon … [Read more…]

UUFA Weekly Greensheet March 14, 2024

Please join us this Sunday for service – March 17, 2024 – 2024 Ostara: Symbolism & Meaning Join us this Sunday as we welcome back the light. Service Leaders Roberta Roberson & Barb Harrison Non-Violent Communication workshops starting at UUFA: March 18th – 6-8 PM – facilitated by Willow Wightman. Come March 18th and then … [Read more…]