Please join us on Sunday, April 27th at 10:30 a.m. for our service entitled ” A Spiritual Journey in Learning to Be Human” by Rev. Lynda Smith a minister candidate for UUFA.
Rev. Lynda Smith has been a UU since 1971 and was ordained a UU minister in 2006. She is currently finishing up an Interim Ministry in Danville, Indiana at the UU Community Church. Lynda has been Director of Religious Education at the UU congregation in Detroit, MI and been a member or served UU congregations in Studio City, CA; Southfield and Grand Rapids, MI. She has learned in her personal spiritual journey, and seen in UU congregations, the importance of authenticity in relationships. She also cherishes the difference a real community makes in individual lives and in the world. Her sermon will explore aspects of spiritual journeys in community.