***This Week at the UUFA**
Sunday Service: Humanism for the Holidays
Sunday, 11am-noon
Humanists across many ages have led the bah-humbug response to the holiday season. Contract Minister, Don Rollins, will challenge his fellow UU humanists to use the holidays as a time to look at themselves.
Christmas Eve Service
Saturday, 7pm
Pastoral Care
Our contract minister, Don Rollins, is available for pastoral care telephone calls and time sensitive issues via his cell (740-988-7834) or by email (donaldlrollins@gmail.com). Please note the letter l (as in lantern) between Don’s first and last names.
Please Submit Announcements
To be sure to be included in the weekly Greensheet post, email your announcements by Thursday at noon to communications@uuathensoh.org. If you miss this cutoff time, you may bring your announcement in writing to the service leader before service begins on Sunday, so he or she can announce it from the podium.