Greensheet Weekly 2/19/17-2/25/17

**Upcoming Events**

Sunday Service

Sunday 2/19, 11am-noon
[no description submitted]


Social Justice Movie Night

Saturday 2/25, 6:30pm
In this fierce call to action, director Ava DuVernay effectively doubles down on both educating her viewers and inspiring them to take a stand against racial injustice in 2016 America. Hoping to provide a semblance of political balance to her efforts in 13th, DuVernay asserts that both Democratic and Republican administrations are responsible for burgeoning prison populations and the devastating effect of past policies on an entire minority population.

**What’s Up Downstairs? Religious Education at UUFA**

On Feb 5, the children really enjoyed performing the ‘act out’, The Invisible Boy, related to acts of kindness service organized by Amber Miller.  After reading the book a couple of weeks ago, the children wanted to perform it for the congregation.  They were excited to take part, brought the props they needed, and were willing to practice together.  I also thank the congregation for supporting the children’s efforts with a rousing applause.

On Feb 12, Rev Don Rollins brought up child size chairs so the children  could sit up front.  They moved up when they were invited to hear the story.  The children also assisted in lighting the chalice which they like to do.  Alexa Ross came down to assist with the baby/toddlers.  (Thank you Alexa)  We all started out in the Baby/Toddler Rm to make the young ones feel comfortable first.  The older children really like to help the little ones – win-win situation. When the younger ones were settled, the older children went to the other room and to make Valentines for the congregants who stayed for the pot luck after service.  The children were productive and creative.  I had cut out a lot of hearts from different types of plan and printed paper and had doilies, the usual.  They started with the basic idea but then let their imaginations carry them.  One was a folded airplane with Happy Valentine’s Day written on it and with a heart glued to the top.  Others made people or butterflies by combining the hearts.  The children passed out the Valentines as people finished their lunch.  Thank you to the congregants for thanking the children or  engaging them in conversation.  Those experiences of interacting with the adults one-on-one and receiving immediate feedback for their work, is always important.  Looking forward to the next few weeks.  When we read the story, The Invisible Boy, the older children brought up the topic of bullying.  A few shared ways that they have felt bullied at school. I found some age appropriate books on bullying at the library.  I’m going to read a book Feb 19 as a discussion starter to find out if the children want to pursue this topic for a couple of weeks. 

A big THANK YOU to Marsha Nagy, Roberta Roberson, Barbara Harrison, Danielle Corbin Richards, Wenda Sheard, and Brian Richards for taking time in the last 2 months to come downstairs to help care for the little ones or assist with the whole group depending on the need.  They have all been so very helpful.  

In Community, Natalie Barman, RE Teacher


Pastoral Care

Our contract minister, Don Rollins, is available for pastoral care telephone calls and time sensitive issues via his cell (740-988-7834) or by email ( Please note the letter l (as in lantern) between Don’s first and last names.

Please Submit Announcements

To be sure to be included in the weekly Greensheet post, email your announcements by Thursday at noon to If you miss this cutoff time, you may bring your announcement in writing to the service leader before service begins on Sunday, so he or she can announce it from the podium.