Greensheet Weekly, 3/26/16-4/2/16

**This Week at the UUFA**

Sunday Service – Sacrifice: Love Creating the Sacred

Sunday 11:00am – 12:00pm
Easter is time that Western culture reflects on the meaning and act of sacrifice, which literally means “making sacred”. Each and every individual is capable of love and can make small sacrifices to that which they call good, decent, and honorable. Our message on this day will be reflecting on the courage and act of the greater sacrifices and how we as Unitarian Universalists can venerate the acts of our predecessors and show that we are called to sacrifice for the progress of humanity.
service leader Pat Gordon


Conscious Aging: Cultivate Wisdom, Connect with Others, Celebrate Life

This is the second session of an eight-part adult RE Program. You are welcome to join us, even if you were not able to come for the first meeting. Facilitated by Rev. Lynda.

Choir Practice

Wednesday 8:15-10:00pm
All skill levels welcome. For more information contact Barb Harrison:



Chalice Lighters Grant and OMD Meeting

On Saturday, April 2, UUFA will be represented at the Ohio Meadville District meeting by Treasurer Michael Pistrui, who will accept a Chalice Lighters grant of $2505.00 toward necessary replacement of our building’s front doors (for security and accessibility; the existing art-piece doors will be relocated to the inside stairwell).

Spring Work Day – Save the Date

There will be a work day on Saturday, April 9, from 11:00 till the work is done. Come find out what exciting plans UUFA Sexton Pat Gordon has for our physical space.

Annual Business Meeting- Save the Date

The Annual Business Meeting of the UUFA will be held on Sunday, April 10. All voting members are urged to attend. Remember that to vote at a Business Meeting, it is necessary to have completed all membership requirements including a pledge form for the current fiscal year at least 30 days in advance of the meeting. To verify your membership status or to obtain a pledge form, speak to Recorder Laura Mitchell or Treasurer Michael Pistrui.

General Assembly 2016

UU General Assembly is going to be held in Columbus , OH this year – June 22-26. Please consider attending and or presenting to represent UUFA. At our annual meeting we will vote on sending our 2 delegates, but since it is so close this year perhaps we can have a greater attendance.

Please Submit Announcements

To be sure to be included in the weekly Greensheet post, email your announcements by Thursday at noon to If you miss this cutoff time, you may bring your announcement in writing to the service leader before service begins on Sunday, so he or she can announce it from the podium.