Greensheet Weekly, 6/19/16-6/26/16

**This Week at the UUFA**

Sunday Service: The Rev. Dr. Jay Atkinson: Living by Liberal Faith

Sunday 11:00am – 12:30pm
UU theologian Paul Rasor says that our liberal religious tradition “is not for the faint of heart,” suggesting that Unitarian Universalism offers a challenging pathway not always easy to follow. It’s one thing to call ourselves “liberals” or to profess liberal beliefs, but what does it actually mean to live deeply by liberal faith, personally and in congregational life?What is required to be faithful Unitarian Universalists in today’s world, and how do we help one another live up to that ideal?
The Rev. Dr. Jay Atkinson Bio: Jay Atkinson retired in June 2011 from 32 years of full-time service in Unitarian Universalist parish ministry, most recently twelve years in Studio City (Los Angeles) and, before that, thirteen years in Davis, Calif. During those ministries he also served at various times on the adjunct faculties of our UU seminaries in Chicago (Meadville Lombard Theological School) and Berkeley (Starr King School for the Ministry). Before turning to professional ministry, he did research in nuclear physics for eleven years. Currently he is a Research Scholar at Starr King with a focus on UU history.

Executive Committee Meeting

Monday 6:00-8:00pm
Open to the congregation.

Choir Practice

Wednesday 8:15-10:00pm
All skill levels welcome. For more information contact Barb Harrison:

UUA General Assembly, Columbus, OH

Wednesday – Sunday
The theme for GA 2016 will be Heart Land: Where Faiths Connect. The faith world is increasingly multifaith. People are crossing borders of religion and spiritual practice to create wholeness in their lives individually and collectively. The labels—Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, theist and non-theist—no longer define who or what we love, or how spirit moves in our lives. General Assembly 2016 in Columbus Ohio will assemble leaders and communities of many faiths to worship together, learn from one another, and create a new vision of faith that no longer divides us, but connects us to an interdependent future that works for all. For more information, see the webpage:
General Assembly Sunday Worship at 10:30am is free and open to the public, and UUFA will not be hosting our own Sunday service that morning to encourage our members to experience the GA service in Columbus. Those who are unable to travel to Columbus are encouraged to watch the service live online:


Save the Date – Nice Stuff Sale

The Endowment Committee has reserved the shelter house on East State st. near the Community Center for a yard sale Sat., Sept 3.

Please Submit Announcements

To be sure to be included in the weekly Greensheet post, email your announcements by Thursday at noon to If you miss this cutoff time, you may bring your announcement in writing to the service leader before service begins on Sunday, so he or she can announce it from the podium.