Greensheet Weekly 9/25/16-10/1/16

***This Week at the UUFA**

Sunday Service: Why God is a Baseball Fan

Sunday, 11:00am – 12:00pm
with Rev Don Rollins



Sustainability Films at the Athena

The fall film series on sustainability has begun at the Athena Theater. See the poster at the Fellowship for coming films, on Wednesdays. Featured Sept 21 were a lengthy film on forest destruction in Cambodia and forest restoration in Trinidad. Of local interest was the returning of SE Ohio to forest. The late Ora Anderson narrated the story of the Wayne National Forest founded during FDR’s New Deal in the 1930s. The next film, on October 5, also deals with SE Ohio–Cheshire and the Gavin power plant on the Ohio River in Gallia County.

Green Ohio Tour

September 30 weekend. Ask Lois Whealey for more information.

Crop Walk

Sunday October 23, 2pm.

CROP Hunger Walks help to support the overall ministry of Church World Service, especially grassroots development efforts around the world. In addition, each local CROP Hunger Walk can choose to return up to 25 percent of the funds it raises to hunger-fighting programs in its own community. CROP Hunger Walks help to provide food and water, as well as resources that empower people to meet their own needs. From seeds and tools to wells and water systems, the key is people working together to identify their own development priorities, their strengths and their needs – something CWS has learned through 70 years of working in partnership around the world.

UUFA Women’s Retreat

Friday October 21, 6pm to Sunday, October 23, 10am; Wenda Sheard’s House- 13499 Dutch Creek Rd
$30 registration cost. 11 indoor sleeping spots, unlimited camping, outdoor smoking area. Simple meals provided Friday night through Sunday morning. White elephant Friday. Group and individual activities Saturday.

UUFA Fall Work Day

Saturday, October 8, 10am-6pm
Project List:
1.    Finish RE room ceiling (drywall and paint) and install 3rd light
2.    Clean gutters
3.    Build walls, install door and wiring for new office
4.    Spread parking lot stone
5.    Repair and winterize memorial fountain
6.    Repair toilet paper dispenser(s)
7.    Saw up ash tree and stack firewood in parking lot for member pickup
8.    Inspect boiler
9.    Concrete area around sewer cleanout riser
10.  Trim brush along parking lot retaining wall
11.  Pressure wash and seal entry ramp
Bring tools if you have them.  Come when you can, leave when you need to!

Please Submit Announcements

To be sure to be included in the weekly Greensheet post, email your announcements by Thursday at noon to If you miss this cutoff time, you may bring your announcement in writing to the service leader before service begins on Sunday, so he or she can announce it from the podium.