Greensheet Weekly Digest 1/29/16-2/5/16

**This Week at the UUFA**

Winter Work Day

Saturday, Jan. 30, 12:00-7:00pm

There will be a building and grounds workday this Saturday. Please plan to come and invest some sweat equity in this place that means so much to all of us.

Sunday Service – Imbolc & 30 Days of Love

Sunday 11:00am – 12:00pm
Join service leader Paul Patton as he explores what we can we learn from Paganism and the cycle of the year about our duties and relationship to immigrants.

Programming Committee Meeting

Thursday 7:00-8:30pm

Choir Practice

Wednesday 8:15-10:00pm
All skill levels welcome. For more information contact Barb Harrison:



Membership/Caring Committee Requests Help for Lois Gladchild

Lois Gladchild is recently home from a hospital stay and is in need of several things . Please assist as you can:

1. Encouraging words. Although she is working hard to regain her strength, it is hard work.

2.In order to assist with encouragement if you have time please help Lois by bringing homemade food and staying to help eat it. Please be aware of the following dietary restrictions: NO nuts, seeds, legumes of any sort although green beans and peas are fine. The middle of the day would be best. (She is not close to Athens and is about 30 minutes outside of Amesville.)

3.  If you can help in any way please e-mail Lois’s daughter Ebby (, and cc Marsha Nagy ( so that she can send directions to you. It is a nice drive although a little windy.

4. Thanks to any and all hwo can help out any day the first two weeks of February.

Please Submit Announcements

To be sure to be included in the weekly Greensheet post and in the service leader’s slides, email your announcements by Thursday at noon to If you miss this cutoff time, you may bring your announcement in writing to the service leader before service begins on Sunday, so he or she can announce it from the podium.