In Attendance: Paul Patton, Jeremy Bowman, Michael Pistrui, Daniel Williams, Barb Harrison, Patrick Gordon, Jackie Warmke, Lois Whealey, Jessie Roberson, Laura Mitchell, Roberta Roberson, Natalie Barman
Leadership Covenant
Review December Minutes: Barb interested in pursuing Don Rollins as a speaker. Paul motioned to accept minutes, Jackie seconded: Unanimous.
Minister’s Report: Submitted 1-4-15.
Old Business
Treasurer Appointments: Paul motion, Jeremy seconded: Laura Mitchell to serve as Comptroller and be appointed to board. Finance team will consist of Michael Pistrui to do accounts payable and Patrick Gordon to do accounts receivable, Jeremy Bowman to help as needed. Unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report/Update: Supplied by Patrick Gordon. UUA dues owing. Patrick reported the discovery of a small investment fund. Paul motion to withdraw funds. Jackie seconded. Unanimous. Paul motion to put funds toward redoing the kitchen. Natalie seconded. Unanimous.
Open Board position: Laura Mitchell appointed to board.
Bylaws: proposed changes and timeline: Paul motion: all amendments to be submitted by Saturday January 10th by 5:00 p.m. If nothing other than grammatical or ‘friendly amendments”, will be accepted as and distributed to the membership. Natalie seconded. Unanimous.
Annual Meeting Preparation: Board assumed the duties of Nominating Committee and put together a list of members to be approached to run for openings on the Board and other committees.
January 16th is the deadline for sending tax materials, new bylaws, and business meeting notice to members. All other materials (budget and meeting agenda) will be sent in February.
New Business
Committee Reports
Programming and RE: RE may need a sitter for the young ones. Might need to hire one in the future.
COM, Membership, Facilities, Endowment, Standing on the Side of Love: nothing to report.