Five new members were welcomed to the UUFA membership status during our morning service on Sunday, Feb. 24. They include:
Shea Daniels moved from Chillicothe to Athens in 2008 to attend OU. She is now an Americorps member serving Trimble Elementary School. She will begin graduate school this Fall.
Patrick Gordon is renewing his membership with UUFA after being on hiatus. He has attended three other UU churches: First UU Church in Columbus, First UU Church in Pittsburgh, and East Suburban UU Church in Murraysville, Pa. Patrick considers himself panentheist wherein one spirit is immanent and transcendent of the universe and all things are contained and part of that spirit.
Robin Schaffer just celebrated her 64th birthday by dancing with her 6-year-old granddaughter to the Beatles’ “When I’m 64,” doing shadow pup-pets, and making ravioli with her husband (and still her Valentine) of 37 years. Her life’s work has been 40 years of supporting children with disabilities, as well as their families and teachers. In re-tirement, she continues to be involved in the lives of people who are meeting challenges as she volunteers in hospice and seeks other ways, too. Her favorite hobby is storytelling, mainly through sign language and Appalachian stories. She is now prioritizing time for traveling, connecting with UUFA, and sharing joys and concerns.
Daniel Warmke was born, grew up, and attended college right here in Athens. His adult life has been split between his wife Jackie and daughter Norah on one hand and the Ohio Army National Guard on the other. He has served four deployments ranging from Hurricane Katrina to Afghanistan. He says Jackie describes him as “the least spiritual person she ever met,” but he has a degree in world religions and a love for all the wonderful and wild beliefs of humanity.
Daniel Williams grew up in the Dayton area, where he attended a liberal protestant church. He is an OU senior studying plant biology and bioinformatics.