Nice Stuff Sale!

by Dru Evarts

The Nice Stuff sale at the shelter near the Athens Swimming Pool on East State Street Sept. 28 needs more workers, more stuff to sell, and more buyers. Funds raised by the Endowment Committee through this effort will never be spent. They go directly into the Endowment investment, with the proviso that only the interest can be spent in the future to assure the upkeep and preservation of our UUFA building and costs associated with leadership training.

You can be most helpful if you bring the nice stuff we are selling to the shelter that morning between 6 and 9 a.m. The sale opens to the public at 9, and everything must be priced and in place by that time. If you want to deliver it earlier, bring it to Dru Riley Evarts’ house (right in front of the Music Building on the OU campus – 1 Health Center Drive. We have two truck-owning members who will pick it up from there early on the 28th and deliver it to the site. They also will carry things away after the sale is over at 5 p.m. If you are donating anything that you want back if it doesn’t sell, make arrangements ahead of time to have it returned to you, or – better yet—come close to 5 p.m. to the shelter to pick it up.’

The shifts for working at the sale at 6-9 a.m., 9-12 a.m., 12-3 p.m., and 3-6 p.m. The first shift involves setup and pricing (also gives you the best picks of things to buy), and the last shift includes clean-up. All the shifts include helping customers, watching for shoplifting (a bigger problem than you might think), keeping stuff in good display, etc.

Please e-mail Dru at or call 592-1231 with questions, offers of help, or whatever. And scour your own house and ask friends and neighbors for any “nice” items around your or their houses that they would like to donate for this sale. Everyone has perfectly usable things that they have to admit they are not using and would be glad to have the space after getting rid of same. If at all possible, YOU do the delivery of same or arrange to have it picked up.