As we approach the start of the new fiscal year (July 1), I’m pleased to report that we have received 28 pledge forms for a total of $35,923 ($37,593 with the Cake Walk). Many thanks to those who have pledged! For reference, last year we had 23 pledges for a total of $31,755. However, we now have 70 members and an annual budget of $52,919, so we’re still hoping for more pledges.
Pledges provide a reality check against our annual budget. The closer pledges are to that budget, the more confident committees can be that the money will be there when they need it (for example, to pay for building maintenance, child care or program expenses).
In the current economy in a college town, it can be hard to commit to a pledge. Who can predict their total giving through the coming year? No one likes to mislead or disappoint.
Fear not! While it’s true that the Treasurer is supposed to update you a few times a year about your contributions, nobody gets sent to collections for an unpaid pledge. The pledge system is a voluntary planning tool, and it’s confidential. It won’t hurt, I promise, and it definitely helps the fellowship.
We tried to complete the current pledge drive well before the start of the fiscal year, but pledges still help even a few weeks into the year. So if you haven’t pledged yet, please take a moment right now to find that pledge form we sent you. Or just click here to download and print a new one (second page). Don’t worry about precision. Just make your best guess about your total offerings through the coming year, write it down on the form, and mail it in (or fold it up and put it in the offering plate in an upcoming service). No need to include a payment!
And thanks, again, for participating in the life of the Fellowship.