June 2 @ 10:30am
“Crime, Justice, and Reconciliation” with Don Shamblin, retired professor of criminology. We will examine competing philosophies and practices of justice, with special attention to reconciliation. Does justice always involve punishment? Can reconciliation substitute for punishment and still serve justice? Join us for this morning’s thought-provoking service!
June 9 @ 10:30am
“And Also With You” by Rev. Evan Young
After ten years serving as UUFA’s minister, Rev. Evan Young is moving on. And this will be his last Sunday service here. Given the title above, it’s a safe bet that someone will say “Peace Be With You”; beyond that, we’re not exactly sure what’s going to happen. There will be music (including the UUFA Choir!), and laughter, maybe a few tears, and certainly some reflection on our time together. Join us–and stay after the service for our potluck and farewell celebration for Rev. Young!
June 16 @ 10:30am
“Celebrating our Unitarian Forefathers” by Pat Gordon
A look at the founding fathers of Unitarianism and Universalism in the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. Various movements in each faith will be reviewed with those men who both expounded and criticized each.
June 23 @ 10:30am
“Summer Solstice Ritual: Offerings to the Sun”
We will celebrate the longest day of the year by sending our offerings to the sun on the day of greatest strength!
June 30 @ 10:30am
“GA Report” by Jackie Warmke and Pauline Urbahns
This year’s UUA General Assembly will be held in Louisville, KY from June 19-23 and “will explore the kinds of promises our religious communities are called to make as we seek to live out our Unitarian Universalist values; how we make these promises, with whom, and how we hold ourselves and each other accountable.” Join us for the impressions and insights gained by UUFA delegates Jackie Warmke and Pauline Urbahns.