Social Justice Notes – March 2013

by Lois Whealey

Celebrate Women’s History Month!
International Women’s Day Festival blossoms at Baker Center Ballroom on Sunday, March 17, 2-6 p.m. Lois Whealey is on the planning committee for the fifth Ohio IW Festival. Like past ones, this Festival is FREE, open to the public, has activities for children, vendors, and music by women, both groups and soloists. Also, speakers on serious subjects: Lois will present on Irma Voigt, PhD, pioneer Dean of Women who came to work at Ohio University 100 years ago. Also, dancers — both solo and group, a fashion show, hula hoop performer, etc.

UUSC Sponsors Social Justice on March 24.
Justice Is Choosing Compassionate Consumption. UUSC works to advance rights for workers in the food system. Justice Sunday upholds the worth and dignity of every person through our power as consumers, specifically by protecting the rights of workers in the food system. Workers have the right to work in a safe environment, receive fair wages, and organize with dignity.