Sunday Sep 7: Ingathering Service lead by Rev. Smith, Potluck, & Minister Start-up Meeting

Ingathering Service

The first Sunday after Labor Day is occasion for our annual Ingathering tradition. We, along with many other UU Congregations, have a Water Ceremony ritual in which we each are invited to share water gathered over the summer–with a short reflection on the meaning of that water. This will be the second worship service led by our new minister, Rev. Lynda Smith. Service starts at 11am.


Just this month we are relocating potluck to the first sunday of the month (September 7th). Potluck is a great opportunity to welcome friends to the UUFA and to enjoy time in community. Bring a homemade (or tasty) dish to share!

Minister Start-up Meeting

Following service and potluck from 1-4 pm we have the opportunity to join in meaningful discussion with our new minister, Rev. Lynda Smith. The focus of the meeting will be “new minister start-up and transition”.  We are pleased to welcome CERG Executive Director, Rev. Joan VanBecelaere who will facilitate our discussion. This meeting will take the place of our September executive board meeting.
