Good Morning UUFA Community !
Thanks to Pat Gordon for yesterday’s service entitled ” The Many Faces of Yeshua Ben Yosef, Part Time Carpenter” . Children’s RE also had a successful Sunday as they began their “Viking Fun” series.
Here is what’s happening this week at UUFA
Choir Rehearsal – Tuesday, April 3 – 6:00 pm (NOTE TIME CHANGE THIS WEEK) All voices are welcome. Please attend rehearsal if you’d like to perform with the choir for our April performance on Sunday, April 22nd when we sing “This We Know”.
Programming Committee – Thursday, April 5th at 7:00 pm – The Programming committee will meet in the main Sanctuary.
Executive Committee Monthly Meeting – Friday, April 6th at 7:00 pm – The Executive Committee will hold their monthly meeting at 7pm Friday evening in the main sanctuary.
Sunday Service with Rev. Rollins – Sunday, April 8th – 11:00 am , Coffee beginning at 10:30 am – Please join us for Rev. Rollins monthly service. We will also be taking our special monthly collection for the Athens Food Pantry. Please stay after service to enjoy our 2nd Sunday potluck and participate in our annual meeting.
Sunday, April 8th – Children’s RE Presents: “Viking Craft Fun” this week !
Other UUFA News
Annual Meeting Reminder: Our annual meeting is Sunday, April 8th and we need your help to prepare for next year in two ways:
First your pledge forms are needed. As you know our stewardship. drive is underway and we need members to submit pledges so that we can estimate our projected funds and develop our budget. If we can’t estimate funds then we cannot submit it for a vote at the meeting. Without a guaranteed budget the board will be unable to plan for next year – including contracts for Minister, Choir Director, and RE assistance; building and grounds maintenance; and a whole number of things we take for granted (I personally am happy for the paper supplies in the restrooms). Pledge forms are available at the fellowship and one will be emailed to all members later today.
Opportunity for leadership – Our nominating committee has put together an excellent slate of leaders for next year. Thanks to those of you who have stepped up and agreed to take on a leadership role. We still need a President -Elect for the fiscal year 2018 . The person in this role will take on the UUFA presidency in July 2019 after serving on the board for a year beginning July 2018. Please contact Pat Gordon if interested at: