Good Afternoon UUFA Community,
Thanks to Tom Neilsen for an inspirational musical service this past Sunday. for more information Neilsen’s ” Music for Social Change ” visit
Announcements from Sunday:
What’s Happening This Week at UUFA:
Tuesday, April 24- 7:00 pm – UUFA Choir rehearsal. All voices are welcome !
Sunday, April 29 – 11:00 am – Annual Beltane Celebration – dancing the maypole. Please join us in this lively tradition of dancing the maypole !
Please review the information below about the UUA 8th Principle project if you have not done so already. Thank you!
The UUA proposed 8th principle:
“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
As a way of followup to our annual meeting on April 8th, please take some time to make yourself familiar with the Unitarian Universalist Association 8th principle initiative. Please follow the links provided here.
Please spend time visiting this website link to familiarize yourself with the 8th principle.
“For people identified as white, it is too easy to ignore these issues, which is exactly what keeps the system of racism in our society alive and in fact worsening right now. We need to de-center whiteness and other dominant cultures in UUism”
A Message from Joan Van Becelaere, Executive Director UUJO
Dear Ohio Friends and Colleagues,
Many of us are involved in the Poor People’s Campaign over the next couple of months.
Many of us are already thinking about how we can put the priorities and concerns of this Poor People’s Campaign into action in Ohio.
Here is one IMMEDIATE way to put our values into concrete action!
As Unitarian Universalists, we believe in the worth and dignity of everyone. Our Universalist heritage teaches us about the possibility and power of love and that everyone deserves a second chance.
Unfortunately, our criminal justice system is broken and hurting those who need our help.
- People of color and poor people are arrested and jailed at disproportionate rates.
People who are addicted to drugs are locked away rather than give the help they need to recover and rebuild their lives.
Right now Ohio’s prisons are overcrowded at around 130% capacity.
About 25% of people in prison are there simply because they are addicted to drugs or didn’t have the resources to navigate our criminal justice system.
We as a state have two choices — we can build new prisons or bring people home to their families.
We have an opportunity to help free thousands of people from addiction and incarceration through a transformational criminal justice reform amendment. (Read more here about the Safe & Healthy Ohio Campaign).
We need to collect 30,000 petition signatures to bring this amendment to the Ohio November ballot.
And you and your congregation can help!
We want to offer you all more information about this ballot initiative, answer your questions and teach you and your congregants how to collect signatures from your congregation, friends, family and your community.No prior experience is needed.
We will have an information and training session at –
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus
Saturday, April 28
10:00 am to Noon
93 W. Weisheimer Road, Columbus
Please register so we know how many people to expect:
And see the Facebook Event at:
We will explain the ballot initiative and have you the materials you need to put your faith into action and help bring this ballot amendment to the vote.
Please help us build the Beloved Community we dream about here in Ohio.
With Blessings for the Journey,
Molly Shack, Lead Organizer, Columbus People’s Partnership
Joan Van Becelaere, Exec Director, UU Justice Ohio
Rev. Joan Van Becelaere | Executive Director | Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio
Phone (303) 641-5896 | Email: | PO Box 980, Worthington OH 43085
Website: | Facebook:
Inform. Inspire. Impact
Rev. Dr. Marian E. Stewart
Senior Minister
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus
93 W Weisheimer Road, Columbus, OH 43214
o 614.267.4946
c 425.999.6948
Office Hours: I’m usually in the office M, T, W, and F. Please call first to confirm.
“Never separate the life you live from the words you speak.” ~ Paul Wellstone
“Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.” ~ Edward Abbey