Good Afternoon UUFA Friends !
Apologies for the late Greensheet this week but here it is …
Many thanks to Rev. Rollins for his monthly service this past Sunday. We look forward to seeing you again in April.
Appreciative Inquiry Process Updates
As you know, the UUFA is embarking upon this process, which will allow us to share our best experiences about our fellowship. We welcome members, former members, friends, and guests to these meetings. Following the small group meetings, most or all of which will happen away from the Fellowship building, we will come back together as a congregation to identify broad themes, which will inform our future direction. Wenda Sheard and Susan Westenbarger will be facilitating our small group discussion.
Monday, March 5 – The first AI session was held at UUFA. Five members attended and enjoyed discussion together.
Next AI Sessions – all are welcome! Contact Wenda Sheard ( or Susan Westenbarger ( if interested in attending.
Sunday, March 18th at United Campus Ministry, 18 North College Street, Athens, Ohio,
Monday, March 19th at Wenda Sheard & Richard Thieret’s home at 13499 Dutch Creek Road, Athens, Ohio.
Thursday, March 22 at 6:30 pm at 5025 Marion Johnson Rd. RSVP by March 20 to Katie Evans (, text: 513-284-2994)
Sunday, March 25th – just after Sunday service – Large, group AI meeting to discuss overall themes! All are welcome to attend and participate.
OU Graduate Student Seeking Stories about Grief: Erin Clark, is a photojournalist currently in grad school at Ohio University. She’s working on a documentary photo project exploring the question of how we, as humans, cope with grief and the loss of a loved one. The project was influenced by the recent loss of her grandfather and soon after, her family’s dog. It made her think – how do other people manage their grief and what practices do we have that help with coping? In order to explore and cope with her own grief, I’m looking to gather stories from people who have also lost a loved one. I hope to talk to them about the loved one they lost and how they have managed the grieving process. It would also be accompanied by a portrait and an artifact or memento of the loved one lost. She’s reaching out to local churches in the area to see if they can help me reach community members that may be interested in sharing their story. If you are willing to assist Erin with her project please contact her via email at:
What’s happening at UUFA this week:
Sunday, March 18 – 11:00 am – Celebrating the spring equinox w/ Katie Evans. Please join us beginning at 10:30 for coffee, tea and conversation.