UUFA Announcements for March 7, 2018

Good Morning UUFA Members and Friends,

Thanks so much to Brian Richards for an inspiring service this past Sunday on “Winning Small” An excellent reminder of how to keep conversations going in these difficult political times.

This Week at UUFA

Sunday, March 11 – 9:30 am – Executive Committee monthly meeting. Ploghoft room.

Sunday, March 11 – 11:00 am – Rev. Don Rollins monthly service

Sunday, March 11 – 12:00 pm – UUFA monthly potluck and Athens Food Pantry collection!


Sunday, March 18 – 11:00 am – Celebrating Spring Equinox
Appreciative Inquiry Process Updates

As you know, the UUFA is embarking upon this process, which will allow us to share our best experiences about our fellowship. We welcome members, former members, friends, and guests to these meetings. Following the small group meetings, most or all of which will happen away from the Fellowship building, we will come back together as a congregation to identify broad themes, which will inform our future direction. Wenda Sheard and Susan Westenbarger will be facilitating our small group discussion.
Monday, March 5 – The first AI session was held at UUFA. Five members attended and enjoyed discussion together.

Next AI Sessions – all are welcome!  Contact Wenda Sheard (wendasheard@yahoo.com) or Susan Westenbarger (susanw.uu@gmail.com) if interested in attending.

Sunday, March 18th at United Campus Ministry18 North College Street, Athens, Ohio,

Monday, March 19th at Wenda Sheard & Richard Thieret’s home at 13499 Dutch Creek Road, Athens, Ohio.

Sunday, March 25th – after Sunday service – Large, group AI meeting to discuss overall themes!

Everyone is welcome to attend.

How Can You Help Around UUFA?

Fred Snell, UUFA Sexton (coachsnell@aol.com) invites all members and friends to engage in helping with the following items to beautify and maintain our space.  The idea of this list is to give folks an understanding of what needs to be done. If you have interest in taking care of any of these items please let Fred know!

Fellowship standing project list:

Build cabinet to house dishwasher

Replace fireplace wood holder grate

Maintain paths through Camden’s sanctuary and woods

Pressure wash and seal back steps by piano.  These are getting dangerously slick.

Build a concrete pad for dumpster and recycling bins.

Weed around play apparatus (in summer).  Level crumb rubber bedding when needed.

Maintain deer guards around newly planted trees. Water trees when needed.

Maintain Bird Feeders in Camden’s Sanctuary

Plant flowers and weed around landscaping plants where needed

Wash downstairs windows and entry doors when needed

Spring Beautification Day (Athens Beautification Day) – Sunday 4/22 – Noon – 4pm – we will welcome OU student volunteers to UUFA to assist with:

Maintain paths through Camden’s sanctuary and woods

Maintain Bird Feeders in Camden’s Sanctuary

Plant flowers and weed around landscaping plants where needed

Clear sight path from Longview Heights for proposed UUFA sign

  • If you’d like to help serve as a project leader for this contact Barb Harrison – barbunday@gmail.com

UUFA ANNUAL MEETING – Save the date , Sunday, April 8, 2018 – Noon – 1:00 pm