UUFA announcements for Monday, November 6 2017

Good Afternoon UUFA Members and Friends,

Here is a list of events happening at UUFA this week and in the near future !


UUFA Winter Breakaway ! Mark your calendars now for this spectacular annual holiday event – Saturday, December 9th – 7:30 pm at UUFA.  Members and friends are invited to spend an evening engaged in community together while at the same time raising funds for our fellowship. This year any funds raised will go toward support our buildings HVAC (air conditioning  / heating ) system.  The planning committee has been hard at work preparing for this lovely event.  If you have time available to help solicit donations for our auction/raffle/door prizes please see Amber May for details.  Otherwise please attend, purchase a ticket in advance ($20 adults / $10 students and children ) and get ready to enjoy hearty appetizers, cash malt beverage bar and lovely music TBA!  The main event of the evening will be the auction/raffle/door prizes events which can help you get some holiday shopping done while also supporting UUFA . We look forward to seeing you there.

Guest At Your Table  2017 “Small Change is Big Change” –  Please consider taking a donation box to support this annual UUSC  intergenerational fundraising event. This is a program in which UU members are asked to place a box on your “table” during the holiday season to encourage us to give spare change, or divert dollars if you wish from other holiday expenses. No amount is too small so please give as you and your guests can.  If you’d like a box see Barb Harrison . Here is a link to give you further information about the Guest At Your Table program  https://www.uusc.org/welcome-to-guest-at-your-table/

Tuesday, November 7th – Election Day….be sure to get to the polls to exercise your right as a U.S. citizen

Tuesday, November 7th –  6:30 pm –  UUFA Programming Committee meeting – Ploghoff Rm.

Tuesday, November 7th 7:00 – 8:00 pm – main sanctuary

Friday, November 10 – 5:00 – 9:00 pm – Coloring Party –  Join us for a creative evening of coloring ! Bring your own snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. Colored pencils, markers and coloring books will be available but plesae feel free to bring your own. This is a kid-friendly event. Suggested donation $5 per adult, $3 for kids under 12 – funds will go to support the UUFA. Contact: Katie at kaevans1979@gmail.com

Saturday, November 11 – “Interfaith Amigos: Interfaith Dialogue in Challenging Times. 7pm – Baker University Center, 2nd floor (Multicultural Programs Office ) OU Athens campus.

Sunday, November 12 – UUFA Executive Committee Meeting – 9:30 am – Ploghoff Rm.

Sunday, November 12th – Rev. Don Rollins Sunday in the Pulpit – 11:00 am – monthly potluck and donation to Athens Co. Food pantry to follow service.

Sunday, November 12th –  RE Committee Meeting –  following service, during potluck – all are welcome to join. See Wenda Sheard for details.


Have a wonderful week and thank you for being a part of our fellowship community !  If you have an item that you would like to have included in our weekly messages and announcements please send it to Barb Harrison at recorder@uuathens.org