Our newsletter has been on hiatus for the past few weeks ! Sorry about this folks, sometimes life gets in the way of best intentions !
Join us this Sunday, April 14 for service – 11:00 AM – 184 Longview Hts. , Athens, OH 45701
Shine Bright: Illuminating the Darkness – In this week’s program, Marina Phillips-Kisse delves into the timeless theme of being a light in the darkness, exploring its significance in our individual lives and within our communities. Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, community connection, and collective enlightenment. Together , let’s illuminate the darkness and spread the warmth of compassion and understanding to all. We welcome Anna Mather as our service leader.
UUFA Annual Meeting – April 21, 2024 – Please join us for our annual meeting next Sunday after service. Many thanks to Richard Theiret for preparing the documents and sending to all members. If you are a member and did not receive it please see Richard. While the meeting is for the benefit of all members, we welcome friends to join us as well.
UUA Inspiration:
We Were Always Here
“White supremacy, as a culture, wants to claim anything of value and get you to believe that nobody else had an intellectual tradition.” —Dr. Takiyah Nur Amin
As a new UU in Philadelphia, I’d walk through the church doors every Sunday and see a portrait of Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. I’d known of her only as a writer. Before 2009, I had no idea that she was a Unitarian and a member of my home congregation. When someone lists Unitarians or Universalists, they usually name white men from the nineteenth century: Channing, Parker, Thoreau, and maybe Ballou. Never anyone Black like me.
Read on…. https://www.uua.org/braverwiser/we-were-always-here
Marigold Planting Update:
If you’ve bothered to read this far you are in for a treat ! Remember those marigolds we planted, way too early? Mine are still thriving in my kitchen window. Let’s hope we get to warmer night time temps soon. How is your garden so far this year ???
Be well friends, until we meet again…on behalf of the UUFA, Barb Harrison