UUFA Greensheet and Announcements for June 21 2018

UUFA Greensheet for June 21, 2018

Thanks to Brian Richards for this past Sunday’s service.  While it was a small gathering those present enjoyed discussion on the topic of time and our perceptions of it.

What’s Happening this week at UUFA 

Sunday, June 24, 2018 –   We’ll be watching an immediate re-broadcast of  2018 General Assembly Sunday Service!  The UU General Assembly is in Kansas City this week. Coffee/tea beginning at 11:00 , GA streaming beginning at 11:30 am.  

What’s Happening in our Area this month

Friday, June 29 – 8pm – 10pm – Athens Rally and Vigil Against Family Separation – Meet at the Civil War monument on College Green (OU Campus) . UUFA will be supporting this event and we hope members and friends will turn out in great numbers.



UUA General Assembly
UUJEC Actions of Immediate Witness (AIWs)

Given that the UUA has endorsed the Poor People’s Campaign, an Action of Immediate Witness would give a big boost to mobilizing our congregations.  So please support the AIW Join the Poor People’s Campaign. Our draft text can be found online here.  It’s a resurrection of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign of 1967-68, now keynoted by Rev. William Barber. It seeks common ground among faith traditions for a broad-based coalition: Exactly what we need in these times.

What’s killing our society are the multiplying ways of “Making the Rich, Richer, and the Poor, Poorer”. Nothing demonstrates this better than the recent tax bill that showered wealthy corporations with truck-loads of cash, leaving the majority still struggling. Therefore please support our AIW  Tax Breaks for the People, Not the Rich. Our draft text can be found online here.  Here’s a sampling of justice in action: tax capital gains higher than earned income, stop tax evasion like offshoring, reduce regressive payroll taxes and taxes on essentials, and tax non-renewable resources like carbon fuels.

To Support the UUJEC AIWs

Delegates may sign on to support our AIWs at either the CSW exhibit booth or at our booth #319. At least 150 signatures are needed. Voting to select the final 3 will be in the Saturday morning plenary. After amendments are proposed at the Saturday afternoon mini-assemblies, voting on the final wording of each selected AIW will be in the Sunday morning plenary.

  • Share this information with your delegates.
  • Read how the AIW process works at GA.
  • Visit our Booth #319 in the Exhibit Hall.
  • If you are an Off-Site delegate, you can vote for AIWs electronically.
  • To cosponsor the AIWs, please contact UUJEC Board Member Dick Burkhart dick@democworks.org