Please join us this Sunday for service – March 10, 2024 – 11:00AM – Noon – 184 Longview Hts.
Cultivating Community – Please join us this Sunday as we focus on our community our congregation and share in lively discussions about how we want to continue to grow our community. Barb Harrison, Service Leader
Weekly Inspiration from UUA: (available at each week)
“I said to the sun, ‘Tell me about the big bang.’ The sun said, ‘It hurts to become.’”
—Andrea Gibson
The Rev. Jami Yandle (they/them) is a non-binary UU minister, graduate of Union Theological Seminary, and is a Board Certified Chaplain. Currently, Rev. Yandle serves the UUA as the Transgender Support Specialist.
UU The Vote – Virtual Kick off Meeting Coming Up Thursday 3/14
Please join the UUFA team that will be part of the UU The Vote initiative . Barb has registered us for the 2024 Zoom launch on March 14th at 7pm. Please let Barb know if you’d like to join this effort – or 740-707-6197. A sign up sheet will also be posted at the fellowship. The link that follows will provide more information about how you can become involved in UU the Vote.
Text “VoteLove” to 866-533-1494 for Updates
UUA News
Looking ahead to summer – General Assembly is virtual this year. The General Assembly or GA is the UUAs annual convention/gathering as a denomination. Please read on through the link provided to learn more. Let us know (Barb or other leader) if you’d like to represent the fellowship this year.
UUFA Updates:
An Invitation to Get Involved in UUFA community leading…
A few weeks ago during our service we shared information with the congregation on how to get more involved in our community. Here is that same invitation again, we hope you will consider how you can best become engaged in other ways at UUFA.
Our annual general meeting is April 21st, right after service.
We will be reviewing the last year, updating members on UUFA news, electing some new board members, going over (and hopefully approving) the annual 2024-2025 budget, and talking about our upcoming pledge drive.
Sharing a measure of your treasure helps pay the bills-thank you so very much! – but it does more than that, it helps us live out our mission and vision.
Building and sustaining beloved community takes something else too-something of immense valuse – it needs your time and talent.
If you would like to become more involved with the UUFA (and we very much hope you do!), please know that there are many ways to do so.
You could serve on a committee: board, buildings and grounds, technology, workship team. Committees not your jam? No problem ! There are other things:
Technology: communications, weekly newsletter, social media
Sundays: giving someone a ride to service, greeting folks, bringing snacks, making coffee, helping coordinate “Second Sunday” potlucks.
Events: planning, implementation , set up/tear down, helping with building reservations and rentals .
Other ? Enjoy singing?, play and instrument? Join the choir! Want to start a discussion group or club? Have a great idea for service? Want to give a talk?
What ideas do you have to make the UUFA feel more like it is truly yours?
If you are interested in sharing your ideas, lending a hand or getting more information, please let us know. Reach out to any board or committee member and the word will spread 🙂 In a good way!!
Thank you for your interest in the UUFA community.
Sincerely, on behalf of the board and worship team- Roberta R.
*** Please bring ideas with you this Sunday and we’ll have an opportunity to re-visit this ask ***
Annual Meeting Reminder – Sunday, April 21 – Noon — 1:00 PM – in person at UUFA. See Richard Theiret for more information.
Pledge Drive – following our Annual Meeting we will engage in our annual pledge drive. We will vote and approve a budget as a congregation on April 21st. Our next step as a congregation is to be sure to “raise” the funds we have agreed upon. Jessie Roberson will lead us in our annual plege drive. Please consider what your contributions can be next year and then together we are sure to arrive as a reasonable number !! Right 🙂 Thank you all for your support of our congregation.