UUFA Greensheet (Newsletter) February 8, 2024

Sunday Service –  February 11, 2024 

Dr. Douglas Clowe, Astrophysist 

The UUFA is delighted to welcome Dr Douglas Clowe, Professor of Astrophysics and the Director of the Astrophysical Institute at Ohio University, as our Sunday morning speaker! Dr. Clowe will share with us some his work, his life path to that work, and the insights gleaned from it. Hope to see you there!   Service Leader: Roberta Roberson.

UUFA Annual Meeting Updates – Our annual UUFA congregational meeting is set for Sunday, April 21 from Noon – 1:00 pm.  Richard Theiret , our President- Elect will lead us in the meeting.  Please consider volunteering for one of the open positions in our leadership for 2024-2025. We have open positions in 2 At Large board positions. We are seeking nominations for the President-Elect position which is a 2 year term.  Please see Richard if you are interested or want to know more about these positions.  Members: All members are eligible to vote at the annual meeting.  If you are a new member you must have made an identifiable contribution within 2 weeks of the meeting if you have not already done so.  An annual meeting packet will be sent via email to each member 2 weeks prior to the April 21st meeting.


Reminder from our Treasurer:

The Fellowship’s 2023 tax statements have been sent via email to everyone who gave an identifiable contribution to the Fellowship. Thank you for your support of the Fellowship and our mission!
If you did not receive your statement via email, please contact Treasurer Susan Westenbarger who can provide a hard copy or retry email.
Susan can be reached at suusanw.uu@gmail.com or 240-305-0860 (voice or text.)
UUA News: 

Our final days of 30 Days of Love 2023


In their recently-released draft of the new Article II of our UUA bylaws, the Article II Commission writes, “The purpose of the Unitarian Universalist Association is to actively engage its members in the transformation of the world through liberating Love.” I’ve heard many folks ask, “What do we mean by ‘liberating Love?’” The A2C writes:

Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center of our shared values. We are accountable to one another for doing the work of living our shared values through the spiritual discipline of Love.

At its core, the work of Side With Love is to be a hub for connection, growth, nourishment and action that allows Unitarian Universalists and our partners to live out our values in the world. Together, we deepen our political analysis, sharpen our skills, articulate our theological grounding, and mobilize our communities to build a world in which all of us are free and thriving.

And – we are so aware that the work of transforming the world through liberating love is something that started long before any of us was born, and that will carry on long after we have become the ancestors of memory. The work is shared, and it is unending – as the oft-quoted truism of Rabbi Tafron in the Jewish Mishnah text Pirkei Avot goes, “You are not required to finish the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”

Rev. Ashley Horan, 30 Days of Love Team Leader