UUFA Greensheet – November 17 2023

UUFA News for November 17, 2023

Tech Committee Making Progress –  We hope to have our new technology cart in working order to improve our Sunday services and overall update to our equipment.  Many thanks to Richard Thieret, Roberta Roberson, Andy Ray, & Pat Gordon for their work in making this happen.  Here is a sneak peek at the beautiful new cart.

Sunday Service – November 19, 2023   

Guest at Your Table and Kick Off to Giving Season – Please join us this Sunday for our weekly service. We are preparing to engage in a season of giving and we have some unique ways for individuals and families of our community to get involved.

We will explore the good works our the UU Service Committee which is the arm of the UUA that addresses social justice issues around the world.  This year the theme is “Liberation”. We will  meet 4 different partners (via video) that the UUSC is dedicating to assisting.  Our contributions this year will go directly to those on the front lines.  We will also discuss 2 ways to give locally-  our building partner, SEORA , is hosting a toy drive and we will also have a canned food donation collection for UCM Center weekly meals. The box will be throughout the holiday season and will end on January 7th.

We hope to see you Sunday.  Barb Harrison is our service leader.

SEORA Toy Drive

Our social justice partner SEORA (Southeastern Ohio Rainbow Alliance) is collecting unwrapped toys between now and December 9 for distribution to Athens County families in need. If you’d like to donate items, please bring them to a Sunday service! Or contact Susan W. and she’ll pick up donations from you. suusanw.uu@gmail.com / 240-305-0860

UUA General Assembly to be Virtual June ’24

If you are interested in attending the UU General Assembly next summer, good news, it’s virtual !  Here is a link to learn all about it.


  Upcoming Services at UUFA: 

Thanksgiving  Observation  Sun. 11/26

Member Recognition Sunday 12/3

Music Sunday – 12/10

TBA – 12/17

Christmas Eve Service – Sun. 11/24