Sunday Service this week:
October 8th – 11:00 am – Noon
Please join us for our annual Pet Blessing service. Furred, feathered, or scaled , all well behaved, leashed or otherwise contained pet friends are welcome to join their human companions! If your pet friends are shy, feel free to bring a photograph. We’ll be sharing stories and blessings for all the remarkable animal beings that enrich our lives. Hope to see you there ! Roberta Roberson & Barb Harrison, service leaders.
UUFA turns out to support Nelsonville Pride and SEORA
Many thanks to Carolyn Sweeny, Jessie & Roberta Roberson , Barb Harrison & most of all Susan Westenbarger for attending the Nelsonville Pride Saturday, September 30th. The event was organized by SEORA and we were thrilled to be able to support our partner organization in this event. Susan spoke on behalf of the UUFA to share our committment to human dignity and the right of personal freedom and faith journey. We were also excited that WOUB Newswatch interviewed Roberta about our presence there. Roberta did a wonderful job of responding with compassion about UU committment to helping LGBTQA people find community, because their hurt and isolation hurts all of us. Congratulations SEORA on a wonderful event !
Spotlight on our UU Central East Region
If you don’t already realize it, the UUFA is a part of a larger UU denomination worldwide. Our region contact person is Beth Casebolt who assists us with a host of services such as leadership events and region wide connections. One of our goals from this past year is to connect with other UU congregations in order to draw upon our strengths. This is one way that we can accomplish this goal. Please click on the link provided to learn more about the Central East Region .
Weekly Inspiration from the UUA
Each week we will share something from Unitarian Universalist Association. As a UU congregation they are a central support entity that we choose as a congregation to be a part of. Here is an article from the publication , UU World, which you will receive as an official member of UUFA.
Happening Soon at UUFA:
- Animal Blessing Service
Sunday, October 8, 2023 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- Books for U
Sunday, October 8, 2023 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
- Zumba
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 10:00 AM – 11:00 AMFellowship Santuary