UUFA Greensheet Updates for September 14, 2023
Sunday, September 17th Service beginning at 11:00 am will be:
Acceptance of One Another and Encouragement for Spiritual Growth (Our UU 3rd Principle)
“An authentic Unitarian Universalist spirituality nurtures spacious and resilient souls that embrace the tensions of our world and propel us forward in our task of loving one another…If our world is to survive in all its contradiction and complexity, it needs more people who are capable of loving it in its entirety; people capable of loving all of themselves, not just parts; people capable of loving all souls, not only some.” (Robert Hardie–UU Minister)
Join us this Sunday, September 17, at 11:00a.m. when we’ll take a deeper look at our Third Principle: Acceptance of One Another and Encouragement to Spiritual Growth in Our Congregations. We welcome Roberta Roberson as our service leader.
(No Zoom meeting will be given for services until our new technology is installed, tentative goal for “re-Zooming” – is December of this year) Thanks for your patience. We want to be able to provide the best transmission that we can.
Get Involved :
Join the UUFA Choir – We need your voice and participation – Nellie Werger has grasciously agreed to get our choir re-started again. All singers are welcome – first rehearsal will be Tuesday, September 19th at 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the fellowship.
UUFA will have a table at the Nelsonville Pride event on Saturday, September 30th. pm. We will set up our table beginning at 10:30 am and the event runs from Noon – 8:00 Barb Harrison is coordinating the table. Please text or email Barb if you’d like to join the crew that represents UUFA – barbunday@gmail.com OR 740-707-6197.
Thank you for your pledges ! The UUFA board met this past Saturday and we have now reached an annual pledge amount of: $36,000 – thanks for your confidence in our community ! You are a huge part of it and your treasure, input, ideas and volunteer time are much appreciated.
Join Global Interfaith Compassion Challenge Pod ! – Anna Mather shares this exciting event for us to consider. Starting September 10, join us for a global 21-day Interfaith Compassion Challenge! Although 9/11 has become associated in recent years with terror and conflict, the date across history has been associated with movements of nonviolence, interfaith cooperation, and discovery. For example, in 1893, the first World’s Parliament of Religions convened in Chicago on September 11. On the same date in 1906, Gandhi introduced nonviolent resistance (later called “satyagraha”, or “soul force”) at a mass meeting in South Africa — and with that, a way of bringing about large-scale social action through compassion.https://pod.servicespace.org/apply/interfaith
Unitarian Universalist links you may be interested in:
Unitarian Universalists Association – https://www.uua.org/
UU Justice Ohio – https://uujo.org/
UU Central East Region – https://www.uua.org/central-east