The UUFA ministrial search committee is happy to announce that our position is posted as of this morning. Here is a summary of the announcement that was sent out to eligible candidates and ministers.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The Athens OH UU Fellowship is looking for a ΒΌ time minister.
This is an excellent position for a retired or semi-retired person, someone with a current part-time ministry, or someone who simply wants a part time ministry with an exciting smaller congregation with some excellent young adult potential.
Their congregational record is attached or can be found on the UUA Transitions website.
You can use the online system to send your ministerial record.
Or send your ministerial records directly to the president, Barbara Harrison at: (
They would like to receive Ministerial Records by Feb. 1.
Knowing that this might be a bit quick for some folk, you might want to just notify Barbara at ( if you are interested but need a bit more time to send in your ministerial record.
If you have any questions about the position, please contact Barbara Harrison.
I can also help answer some questions.
Joan Van Becelaere
Rev. Joan Van Becelaere
CERG – Central East Regional Group Lead
Ohio-Meadville District
We look forward to gathering applications as soon as they start rolling in and will keep all members informed of the opportunities to review applications and be a part of the process as much as possible. Please contact Barb Harrison directly with any questions. or 740-707-6197