UUFA News for September 2024 (Greensheet)

UUFA September 2024

Autumn paints in colors that summer has never seen. – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Introducing the first monthly newsletter for UUFA.  We are trying something new this fall and will send out a newsletter once per month. The intention is to enrich the communication with you, the congregation and community.  Please think of ideas for articles that you’d like to see !  We welcome submissions that are relevant to our congregation, our denomination and our community. Thank you.


Sunday Services – September 2024 – 11:00 – NOON – 184 Longview Hts. 

September 1-  What’s in a Name – Please join us as we renew our nametags and enjoy the artistic leadership of Kim Keffer, Artist , Columbus, OH. Service Leader, Nellie James .

September 8 – Annual In-Gathering Service – Please join us for this annual tradtion of renewal for our congregation. Please bring a sample of water from your summer travels to share as a symbol of our coming back together as a community.  We will have a chalice of our collective water in which we will add our individual collected water. Service Leaders: Roberta Roberson  & Barb Harrison

September 15 – Liminal Epiphany: or Wait I am the Elders –  Service Leader, Nellie James

September 22 – Fall Equinox Observation – We will take time to celebrate the changing season as we move into the quiet and darker time of year.  We’ll explore out collective and individual harvests and invite reflection and rest into our lives for the coming winter. Service Leader, Barb Harrison

September 29 – Poetry with Wendy McVicker, local Poet Laureate, Athens, Ohio – please join us as we welcome local poet Wendy McVicker who will share her poety. Service Leader , Anna Mather

October 6 – Animal Blessing – Please join us for this annual tradition where we focus on the blessings of our furry friends. We welcome you to bring your well behaved and people friendly pets from home.  You may also want to bring a photo of your pets as all will have a chance to share a brief introduction to your pet kids. Service Leader: Barb Harrison & Roberta Roberson



Giving to UUFA via Tithly.com

UUFA is supported by members financially. We appreciate any form of payment including in-kind donations.  For on-line donations please follow the link:




SPOTLIGHT for September 2024 

UUFA is proud to share that our own Wenda Sheard and her 2 oldest grandchildren, attended the Central East Region Summer Institute held in Pennsylvania.  CER Summer Institute was a week long UU mulitgenerational family camp held  in western Pennsylvania July 7-13, 2024.

UUFA’s own , Joanna Tindongan speaking during a CERSI worship service. 

CERSI Final Morning Breakfast ! 

CERSI chalk drawing of a familiar song ! 


Bridging Ceremony for UU Youth, a sacred tradtion

The theme Speaker at CERSI was  Rev. Julian Soto, a UU minister and activist who presented onn “Unlikely Superheroes: Skills for Practicing Faith and Ethics in Tough Times.” Rev. Soto brings a remarkably loving presence and a depth of spiritual leadership. Prior to being a minister, they were also a teacher and a lawyer. Each of these has been a way for them to engage with people, with transformation, and with the goal of making the world a better place.

Wenda and her grandchildren report having a terrific and life changing week !  Wenda and Richard generously donated a homemade , wooden chalice for the silent auction event.  Many thanks to Wenda for providing these details.  Most of all thanks for representing UUFA.


News from UUFA Executive Committee Meeting of August 10, 2024 via Zoom 

submitted by Marilyn Zwayer, Recorder 

Treasurer Susan Westenbarger reported that our pledges for fiscal year 2024-25 total $26,425.  This is about equal to our budget for the year, although it doesn’t allow for a part-time minister which is a high priority.

Sexton Fred Snell has been working on replacing the fascia, which holds up the gutter.  He donates his labor.  He plans to work on the sign near the road, which has letters falling off.
The Worship Team, who plan all of our services, have a schedule done up into November.  There is flexibility, should something come up.
Richard Thieret manages our building usage by a number of ongoing groups as well as one time users.  We are pleased to have the community come to our beautiful space but there are plenty of slots for more.
We’ve been talking about a fall fund raiser and have many good ideas.  Some of the past events have been very time consuming for those in charge.  The most important part is coming together, and bringing in new people to our UUFA community.  Raising money would be excellent also, especially for a certain need, such as pastoral care.”
UUFA Leaders:
Richard Thieret, President,  Pete Mather, President-Elect, Susan Westenbarger-Treasurer, Marilyn Zwayer, Recorder.
At-Large members:  Jessie Roberson, Roberta Roberson, Andy Ray, James Dolan, Nellie James, Barb Harrison

Fall Welcome Party – You are Invited

Saturday, September 21th – 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM-  7501 Long Run Rd., Athens, OH 45701
Barb Harrison & Pat Gordon warmly welcome you to our home for a celebration of our UUFA community!  Weather permitting we will be outside and perhaps have a bonfire and games outdoors1  We have plenty of room inside if weather is inclement or too hot.  We will provide food and light beverages (iced tea, water) Please bring your favorite snack or dessert to share.
Please RSVP by September 14 to Barb Harrison at: barbunday@gmail.com
This is a screenshot only , please use your GPS or from Athens – Stimson Ave, take Rock Riffle Rd/County Rd. 25. to Long Run Rd (Right turn at stop sign) continue on Long Run/County Rd. 25 until you arrive at 7501 on your right. The entire drive from Athens should take about 9 minutes.  We have a long driveway , please park alongside the drive , leaving room for others to get around your car. Thank you !  Barb’s cell # – 740-707-6197
News from the Unitarian Universalist Association
An Ingathering Message from Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt

President Betancourt shares greetings and welcome, as well as some of her deepest hopes for meeting the moment in the coming year. As Unitarian Universalists come together again in this time ingathering and renewal, may we remember that joining together in community is a significant expression of faithfulness in such divided times.




Sunday Morning service at the UU Fellowship of Athens. The congregation is seated in white chairs. The view is from the back of the sanctuary facing forward. Anna Mather is presenting during this particular Sunday morning.

UUFA Congregation – Summer 2024


If you have an idea or an article that you’d like to submit for the October newsletter, please email Barb Harrison at: barbunday@gmail.com