UUFA Newsletter (Greensheet) February 1, 2025

This image is of a chalice with an overlay of the word Love over the flame, with six outstretched arms that create a circle around each of the core values and form a six-petal flower shape. Each arm is a different color, and clockwise they are: Interdependence (Orange), Equity (Red), Transformation (Purple), Pluralism (Blue), Generosity (Green), and Justice (Yellow).

Making Peace

A voice from the dark called out,
             ‘The poets must give us
imagination of peace, to oust the intense, familiar
imagination of disaster. Peace, not only
the absence of war.’
                                   But peace, like a poem,
is not there ahead of itself,
can’t be imagined before it is made,
can’t be known except
in the words of its making,
grammar of justice,
syntax of mutual aid.
                                       A feeling towards it,
dimly sensing a rhythm, is all we have
until we begin to utter its metaphors,
learning them as we speak.
                                              A line of peace might appear
if we restructured the sentence our lives are making,
revoked its reaffirmation of profit and power,
questioned our needs, allowed
long pauses . . .
                        A cadence of peace might balance its weight
on that different fulcrum; peace, a presence,
an energy field more intense than war,
might pulse then,
stanza by stanza into the world,
each act of living
one of its words, each word
a vibration of light—facets
of the forming crystal.

Sunday Services for February – 11:00 AM – Noon – 184 Longview Hts.

February 2, 2025 – In the Belly: Passage through the long winter

We awoke nearly three months agoseemingly into a different world, a strange, cold world, or so it seemed.  But it wasn’t really different.  The cold was already here, waiting for us to feel it.  And while the calendar tells us we’re just past Imbolc, halfway to spring, it seems like a lifetime away. What can we learn from the sudden intrusion of the stark and frigid, and how can we bring warmth into a frozen and barren landscape so devoid of empatny?  Let’s look into the myths and traditions of the past for insights and lessons.  We welcome Nellie Werger as our service leader and Bill White as special guest speaker.  We look forward to seeing you Sunday !


February 9, 2025 –  Useless Beauty 

Behind the busy-ness of life are assumptions about what gives us meaning and purpose. The allure of success, productivity and efficiency can obscure much of the beauty that is present in the everyday. Drawing from personal experience from a year-long camping adventure and from contemporary social science, Pete Mather’s reflection will guide us in embracing what is beautiful and sacred as we seek to enrich our personal lives and communities.


February 16 –  In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – Rev. Hilary Landau Krivchenia 

We will explore the status of race of race in America in light of currents in our political climate.

Please bring a potluck dish to share, if that’s your thing, and stay after service for  “Potluck & Fellowship Sunday


February 23 – TBA – 


Updates from our Treasurer, Susan Westenbarger 

A note from the UUFA treasurer: Tax statements of your 2024 financial contributions have been sent via email to all contributors. If the information provided differs from your own in any way, please contact me as soon as possible so I can correct our records. Thanks for all your support of the Fellowship!
Susan W. / suusanw.uu@gmail.com / 240-305-0860

Updates from our Executive Committee – Recorder, Marilyn Zwayer 

1/11/25 UUFA Board Mtg.

In Attendance (by Zoom):

Richard Thieret (President), Nellie James, Roberta Roberson, Jessie Roberson, Andy Ray, Barb Harrison, Susan Westenbarger (Treasurer), Pete Mather (President-Elect), Marilyn Zwayer (Recorder)
Susan will be sending 2024 Giving Statements to all, for tax purposes.
We’re happy to see that our building rental fees covered our expenses for last year.
We will continue to focus on becoming ADA compliant.  It’s a very expensive undertaking but important.  We will look into the building being put on an historic registry.
The parking lot is another area needing work.  We okayed spending $5000 for gravel and geo-textile cloth under it.
Cancellation of services and building use will be determined by the Worship Team and the UUFA president, as policy dictates.  We need a reliable person the plow the parking lot.
Anyone interested in attending UUA summer institutes should contact Richard.
The Tech Team has decided on a projector to purchase, to replace our very old one.
Our Annual Meeting will be held on March 30.  Pete, as president-elect will run it.  Susan will draw up an annual budget.  Jessie will run our Pledge Drive, again.
We would like to have volunteers speak at each Sunday service on “why I support the UUFA”.
Our next meeting will be Feb. 8 at 10:30am.

SAVE THE DATE – UUFA Annual Meeting , Sunday March 30th  – following service . Please bring a potluck dish to share that day if that is in your wheelhouse !  If not, there will be plenty for all.  


UUFA Person of the Month – Richard Thieret , President This month our member of the month is Richard Thieret.  Richard is reconized due to his diligence and care for our hall overall and volunteer work to keep our building use going.  Richard has gone the extra mile this past month due to the winter weather.  He worked with local businesses to get our parking lot shoveled as best as possible in what was an unusual storm and long, cold month.  In addition to the building care he also led a fundraiser in December showcasing many beautiful items made of wood – by Richard !  The fundraiser made around $150 but most of all the items were one of a kind items, handmade and full of love.  Thank You Richard…your care for our community does not go unnoticed.