UUFA Newsletter “Greensheet” for May 29 – Including Tribute to Lois Gladchild (Bizh Aanji)

Sunday Service – This week – in Marietta, OH – Join us!

First Unitarian Universalist Society of  Marietta, Ohio

232 Third St., Marietta Ohio –  Sunday Service begins at 11:00 AM

SPECIAL Sunday service – June 2- NO SERVICE IN ATHENS this week.

Instead, we encourage folks to travel to Marietta , OH to join the UU’s there as our own Richard Thieret will be speaking.

The Biology of Gender

“Let’s Do It (or maybe not)?” Many Christian groups use biblical rules regarding gender and sexuality to justify their prejudice toward certain genders, sexual practices, and LGBTQ individuals, while simultaneously hoping their god will reward them for their prejudicial piety.  Such divisive theology not only divides people but also separates us from thenatural world of which we are a part.  Absent from this theology of division is the consideration of biology and genderand sexuality in non-human animals. What do we know about the spectrum of naturally occuring gender and sexual practices in the animal kingdom?  How can such knowledge inform those who seek t honor the inherent worth ad dignity of every person?

****If you need a ride or wish to carpool please meet at the Fellowship parking lot at 9:30 AM Sunday morning *****

Service begins at 11:00 AM at the  First UU Society of Unitarian Universalists located at 232 Third Ave., Marietta, OH

Pledge Drive Reminder: 

All UUFA Members, if you have not yet made an official financial pledge to the fellowship for the 2024-25 year, please do so this week !  You may pick up a form at the fellowship (look for folder near nametags) OR email Susan Westenbarger, Treasurer  with your full name, current address and amount. Susan’s email is:  suusanw.uu@gmail.com

*A gentle reminder that members must make an identifiable , financial contribution of any amount within each year to maintain membership”  

If you have questions about the pledge process please contact Jessie Roberson or Susan Westenbarger for more information. Thank you.


UUFA Sanctuary light from backyard (Anna Thieret photo)

UUFA weekly / month calendar: 

Fridays – 7:00-8:00 PM – Lifering Sobriety Group – Contact Marina Phillips Kisse 530 768 7911, donation only

Tuesday – June 4 – 7:00 programming meeting via Zoom – contact Barb for more info. –  barbunday@gmail.com

Saturday – June 15 – 10:30 AM – UUFA Executive Board meetings via Zoom – ask Barb for more info. – barbunday@gmail.com


UUFA Upcoming Events – we NEED You! 

Please join others from our congregation to represent the UUFA at the Athens Pride Events – specifically on Saturday, June 8th–  parade line up begins at 9:00 AM on the OU Campus in Athens.  Meet at the Baker Center, Court St. entrance to join other UUs for the parade. We will also host a table following at the College Green area.  Please let Susan Westenbarger or Barb Harrison know if you can help out !  This is a way that we can give back to support our partners, SEORA so hope you can turn out to help!


Our 2nd opportunity for representing the UUFA to our community is for the Athens Community Juneteenth Celebration on Saturday, June 22nd – mid-day.  Please let Barb Harrison know if you will be able to help at our table.


Tribute to our Lois Gladchild (Bizh Aanji – “she who changes things”) 

Lois Gladchild leading a Sunday morning service outside due to COVID-19 restrictions, December 2021

We Remember our Lois Gladchild who returned to the Earth on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Lois became a member of the UUFA in the early 2010’s.  Lois was active in the life of our congregation and will be remembered for the many ways she gave back to our community.  Lois conducted many services over the years such as telling the “orgin story”  to leading an ancestor memorial one beautiful fall day in our Grove. It was about 2 years ago that  Lois worked with other women at the fellowship to create a celebration of women one March morning in honor of Women’s History month.  Lois was extremely supportive of UUFA.  She always had a calm mind and appropriate words, even when items seemed urgent or insurmountable to others.  She attended workdays and wasn’t afraid to pick up a drill to stabalize screws on the deck !

Over the years we learned that Lois had many talents.  Some unique skills and hobbies include making puppets (marionette style), beading, sewing, gardening, birding to name a few.  She was a leader in her personal and professional life. She had retired about 20 years ago from Wright State University where she served in a critical leadership position in Adminstration and Finance in particiular.  Lois (Bizh Aanji)  was the leader of her Lodge , in the tradition of the Ojibiwe people.  Lois was a member of the Crane Clan.

Lois was born and raised in the midwest. I believe Illinois was considered her home state.  I recall her stories of the many “daffodil” fields she would see in the spring along the countryside.  She recalled that the flowers were growing there so that they could be transported to cities.  Lois is part of a vibrant family and their love and support of one another is strong and amazing to observe. Her brother Lloyd visited to help care for Lois after an illness earlier this year.  Her daughter Ebie and Grandson Patch and his family were with her when she passed from this realm.  Lois was a beautiful human and friend to many of us and we will miss her.   Many thanks and support go out Jessie & Roberta  who stayed with Lois at her home the first few days after she had been released from Riverside Hospital in Columbus to Hospice Care – at home.  Thanks go to Wenda and Marsha and others who jumped into offer help and assistance when most needed. Some of Athens Threshold singers were with her when she passed and also at the ceremony. The potential for a service at the fellowship is still a possibility and we will keep everyone updated.

Many fellowship members were able to attend her return to the earth ceremony on Friday, May 24, 2024 at her home near Chesterhill, Ohio.  It is difficult to properly say fare well to Lois. As I learned in the ceremony , in her tradition , Lois might way to us say “until later”.

Peace, love and soft passing for the road ahead dear friend,

On behalf of UUFA, Barb Harrison , incredibly grateful to have had her in my life if only for a brief moment.

Lois (Bizh Aanji)  was the leader of her Lodge , in the tradition of the Ojibiwe people.  Lois was a member of the Crane Clan.  The Returning to the Earth ceremony was rich , comforting and it was an honor to be able to attend.

  Lois sent me this photo one evening last December 2023.  Lois saw beauty all around and often shared the experience.


Here she is with a creation in her hands –  keep our dear Lois memory alive…always in our hearts.