Sunday Service , June 16th, 2024 – 11:00 am – Noon – 184 Longview Hts., Athens, OH 45701
Celebrating Fathers Day and LGBTQ Dads
Please join us Sunday as we celebrate Fathers Day. For Dads who are LGBTQ this day gives us a chance to celebrate this unique experience of being gay as a dad in our culture. Barb Harrison will be our service leader. We look forward to seeing you.
UUFA Members Present at Athens PRIDE parade and rally

Susan Westenbarger and Anna & Pete Mather person our table at Athens Pride tabling after the march this past Saturday, June 8, 2024
The UU Fellowship of Athens was well represented at this past Saturday’s Athens Pride parade and mingling on the Green afterward. We are proud to have a table every year at this event. Many thanks to Susan Westenbarger for coordining our involvement in the event. Susan is our representative to the Southeast Ohio Rainbow Alliance who organized the event. WE also want to thank all our UUs who showed up ito represent us including Carolyn Sweeny & Richard Thieret !

Local Buddhist Meditation happening soon…..This summer on Wednesday June 19, July 17 and August 21, from noon to 1:00, Athens KTC is offering open meditation. Join us for a calm hour of quiet sitting and walking meditation inside the beautiful Serenity Roots yoga studio located at 8950 Lavelle Rd., Athens.
All are welcome, no experience necessary, no registration needed. For more information please contact Jenny at athensktcemail@gmail.com

UUFA to have presence at Juneteenth Celebration on the OU College Green – June 22nd – 3:00 – 6:00 PM
Please let Barb Harrison (740-707-6197) know if you are available to help person the table. Thanks.

From our Denomination
Editor’s Note: The following reflection—published with the assistance and consent of Lynette’s spouse—refers to the tender subjects of suicide and homophobia; we encourage you to take care of yourself as you engage this story. While some readers might find it difficult to read, it’s important to remember that Pride arose out of a painful history. It’s also important to acknowledge what’s at risk if we fail to protect LGBTQI+ rights, freedom, and acceptance—and if we fail to protect the LGBTQI+ people in our lives and communities.
“[A]s we deepen and broaden the range of what we define as lesbian existence…we begin to discover the erotic in female terms: as that which is unconfined to any single part of the body or solely to the body itself; as an energy not only diffuse but, as Audre Lorde has described it, omnipresent in ‘the sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic,’ and in the sharing of work…”
—Adrienne Rich, in her 1980 essay, “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence”
After years of futilely searching for my soulmate and egalitarian community, I visited North America from Bolivia on my DIY book tour. There I found my soulmate and egalitarian community! The woman who hosted my reading in Portland, Oregon, and the scattered lesbian egalitarian community she had been nurturing for about half a century, filled my yearning. She and I are now happily married and have been together for going on fourteen years. I’m learning lots of lesbian and Pride history through her life story. To read further follow this link: