Dear UUFA Community,
As people whose religious tradition calls us to seek justice, we side with those most in need and most vulnerable. The Unitarian Universalist Association has spent decades committed to supporting the dignity of immigrants and displaced people. It should come as no surprise that it condemns the current assault on vulnerable families seeking asylum in the United States.
If you are longing for ways to put your time and talents into the service of our UU values, join us tomorrow (Friday, June 29) night at 8:00 pm by the Memorial on the college green at Ohio University. The UUFA is cosponsoring a march and rally and our very own Rev. Don Rollins will be among the speakers.
Tonight (Thursday, June 28) at the fellowship, from 7 till 9, we’ll be making signs for the rally. Basic materials will be available. If you have supplies that you’d like to contribute, feel free to bring them along!
Hope to see you tonight…and especially tomorrow!
In community,
Ad Hoc UUFA planning team:
Patrick Gordon
Roberta Roberson
Jessie Roberson
Susan Westenbarger
Barb Harrison