Celebrating the Spring Equinox

Join us Sunday, March 19 at 11am, either in-person (face masks encouraged) or by Zoom.

Celebrating the Spring Equinox
Please join us as we welcome the Vernal Equinox. We’ll spend time reflecting upon the joy that springtime brings and consider how we can meet the joy with a fresh and enlightened perspective!

Barb Harrison, Service Leader.

Please also join us on  Sunday, March 26 at 11am, either in-person (face masks encouraged) or by Zoom.

In Honor of Women
Please join our own UU women as we share a bit about how we personally honor women through poetry, stories and song. We will also rediscover how women have played a major role in the evolution of our own UUDenomination.
Service Leader, Barb Harrison, Marsha Nagy and others TBA
Join Zoom LINK For BOTH March 19th and March 26th:

Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,82365397153# US (New York)
+13017158592,,82365397153# US (Washington DC)

FACE MASK NOTE: As of January 14, 2022, the UUFA board moved from a mandatory face mask policy for Sunday Services to a “face masks encouraged” policy. Thank you to all who continue to wear face masks to protect the most vulnerable among us. We provide Zoom access for those unable to attend in person. 



The UUFA Board met on Saturday, March 11st. Here’s some news:

  • We decided to support the Protect Choice Ohio effort to add a reproductive rights amendment to the Ohio Constitution.
  • We decided to purchase a security system for the fellowship, which Andy R. has graciously volunteered to install.
  • Many thanks to Barb and Patrick for finding cameras and microphones that will improve our hybrid services.
  • The board also discussed rental and building use in general. Board members are pleased that the building is being used more and more, as well as bringing in some income that will support our building maintenance and utility costs.
  • A special shout out goes to our treasurer Susan W. and our secretary Marilyn Z. for all their efforts over the years to keep the financial and record-keeping backbone of our fellowship in order. Susan and Marilyn have been assisting Barb with her preparation of the annual meeting packet.
  • Many thanks to Barb for all her work on the annual meeting packet that all members will receive in the coming weeks before our annual meeting on April 16th by zoom at noon.


Monday, March 13th or Thursday March 16th.

Protect Choice Ohio is now holding TWO one-hour petition circulation trainings this week- Monday, March 13th at 7pm and Thursday, March 16th at 7pm. Many thanks to all who can participate in this important effort in keeping with long-held UU values. To sign up for the training: https://www.mobilize.us/protectchoiceohio/event/553189/


Community Memorial: Join in the celebration of the incredible life and legacy of  Reverend Jan Griesinger on Sunday, April 2, 2023 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Come ready to sing and share memories of this incomparable advocate for social justice. Location: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens (184 Longview Heights, Athens, OH). Reception to follow at Purple Chopstix.
R.S.V.P. requested to assist with reception planning, but not required.  Email: Jan.G.Memorial@gmail.com

ABOUT JAN:  The Rev. Jan Griesinger, 80, longtime community activist and Director of United Campus Ministry in Athens, Ohio, died December 9, 2022. She attended DePauw University, graduating in 1964, and in 1970 received a Master of Divinity from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. She was ordained that year by the United Church of Christ. In 1976 she joined Athens United Campus Ministry, where she worked until her retirement in 2004. Jan was involved with many local, national, and international LGBTQ+ and other social change organizations. In 1979, she and her life partner, Mary Morgan, co-founded a women’s intentional community, the Susan B. Anthony Memorial UnRest Home and Women’s Land Trust (SuBAMUH). A community memorial will be held on April 2, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens. Donations can be made in her honor to United Campus Ministry Center, Mt. Zion Baptist Church Preservation Society, Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, SuBAMUH, and Calliope Feminist Choir.


Wednesday, April 5th, 5pm

My name is Dalanie Beach, and I am a queer PhD student at Ohio University and the co-editor of the literary magazine, Quarter After Eight. I am reaching out to see if you would be so kind as to spread the word about a creative writing workshop that the staff of the magazine are offering to LGBTQIA+ teens and young adults. We are hoping to offer a safe, creative space for local queer writers, where they can learn about the art of storytelling.

DATE/TIME:  April 5th, 5:00-6:30PM
LOCATION: Makers Space at Chosen Pathways Spiritual Emporium 400 E State St. Athens, OH 45701
REGISTRATION REQUIRED, email b094321@ohio.edu

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Thank you,
Dalanie Beach, db094321@ohio.edu..


Many thanks to Susan, Barb, and Roberta for volunteering to lead another orientation session for prospective members. After a Doodle Poll, the winning date is Friday evening, April 7th at 6:30pm.


UUFA ANNUAL MEETING REMINDER – Sunday April 16th at noon by ZOOM

We have open board positions available for the 2023-24 year. Members will vote on next years slate of candidates at the annual meeting.  Please consider serving in this role. The average time requirement is between 2-5 hours per month. If you have interest in serving in this way or other roles, please let Barb Harrison know. barbunday@gmail.com




The next UUFA board meeting will be Saturday April 8th at 10:30am by Zoom. All members are welcome to attend. For the Zoom link, text Richard 740-818-4775, or contact any other board member.



The next UUFA programming meeting will be sometime in the next couple weeks. Contact Barb or any board member if you’re able to join us. More people, more music, more ideas all welcome! All members and friends are welcome to attend.



Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line.

When we receive blurbs and descriptions of a Sunday service, we publish within 24 hours, as well as create and share a Facebook event and email the Greensheet to all with emails in our Elvanto system. Thanks in advance to all presenters and others who submit information early.

Deadline for each week: SUNDAY 3pm or before publication, whichever comes last. We hope to get the Greensheet out, our Facebook event for the next week posted, and more each Sunday evening or Monday at the latest. Thanks!