SNOW & ICE NOTE: If the roads are questionable, check our Facebook page or text our UUFA Board President, Richard T. at 740-818-4775 to find out if we’re Zoom-only that day.
Come join our Service on Sunday, January 29th, 11am in person (face masks encouraged) or by Zoom. We’re in the third Sunday of the UUA’s 30 Days of Love, an annual celebration that runs from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January through Valentine’s Day in February. It is an opportunity to collectively nurture our spirits, deepen our understanding, and take action on our values for collective liberation.
This Sunday, we’re focusing on Climate Justice, with resources from the Unitarian Universalist Association as well as a special guest, Dr. Nancy Manring, who is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Environmental Science and Sustainability program.
Dr. Manring earned her PhD in Natural Resource Policy and Administration from the University of Michigan. She has long been teaching the truth about climate change politics to undergraduates while trying to give them hope for the future. In her sustainability courses, students investigate the interrelationships between biophysical limits, human welfare, and social justice. Her upcoming book focuses on the distortion of science in environmental politics. She argues that authentic hope must be based on the truth about our planetary problems as well as the honest story of climate change politics.
Please join us.
NEW MASK NOTES: As of January 14, 2022, the UUFA board moved from a mandatory face mask policy for Sunday Services to a “face masks encouraged” policy. Thank you to all who continue to wear face masks to protect the most vulnerable among us. We provide Zoom access for those unable to attend in person.
Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,82365397153# US (New York)
+13017158592,,82365397153# US (Washington DC)
Friday, February 3 – 7:00-8:30 pm
Come join us for Imbolc /Candlemass Drum Circle at the Athens Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship on Friday night, February 3rd, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30.
Thanks to all who attended our January 22nd service on Reproductive Justice. Thanks to Susan W. for the following information about how to get further involved in Reproductive Justice as a UU. Please let us know if you want to be part of our UUFA Reproductive Justice team!
The Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization has harmed thousands of people seeking abortion care- especially those who already face discriminatory obstacles to health care including women, our TGNC friends, Black, Indigenous, and other people of color, people with disabilities, people in rural areas, young people, immigrants, and those having difficulties making ends meet. Your community needs you! As a congregant in a state that has the most restrictive abortion access and the deadliest demographic in the current healthcare crisis, we need your help to make resources available to those who need it. We are asking you to please join us for our transformative three-part Reproductive Justice Congregational Organizing Series.
Please recruit your congregational team/group and make sure your teammates register for the series by the morning of 1/27/23.
For this series, we are strategically identifying teams within congregations to be part of a mobilization strategy to support abortion care networks. We must continue to act- today and every day- to work toward a future when every person, in every state, has the right to access abortion. We hope that you will join us in this effort as one of many in your congregation participating in our upcoming series.
Reproductive Justice Congregational Organizing Series for Teams
Sundays January 29th, February 12th, & February 19th
from 4pm – 6pm ET / 3 CT / 2 MT / 1 PT
Participation in all 3 sessions is required.
As we digest the impact of the fall of Roe v Wade, we know that there will be a huge need for local organizing, resource sharing, and collective action as abortion becomes criminalized in various places. By signing up for this three-part series, you are committing to being a part of organizing a TEAM in your congregation that will organize the congregation for specific action(s) in support of abortion access and Reproductive Justice in your community. Everyone who signs up for this series is expected to bring at least one other person from their congregation, with whom you will apply the learning from these sessions immediately in your own context. Facilitated by Rev. Ranwa Hammamy and Charity Howard of the Side With Love Organizing Strategy Team.
Session 1: The Role of Faith Communities in a Post-Roe World : With SCOTUS overturning Roe, what are faith communities that support Reproductive Justice called to do? We will explore the range of possible responses, and help you make a plan to begin organizing your team, your congregation, and your community.
Session 2: Discerning Risk, Accessing Courage: To work effectively in solidarity with movements, faith communities need to be clear about our capacity, our commitments, and our boundaries. We will talk about levels of risk associated with various kinds of congregational organizing for reproductive justice after abortion is criminalized, and provide tools to map your congregation’s resources and risk tolerance so that your community is prepared to respond quickly and clearly to opportunities for action.
Session 3: Making an Organizing Plan: Using the learning from sessions 1 & 2 about which actions your faith community/congregation is prepared to take, we will talk about how to create a work plan and strategy for your particular congregational context.
Whether you are in a state where abortion has been criminalized, or a state to which people will come seeking abortion care, there is a role for all of us–and all our congregations–to play, starting right now. The fight is far from over, but we’re grateful to be in it for the long haul with you.
1) It is time for us to report our membership numbers to the UU Association. Our membership number determines the amount that the UUA asks from us in congregational dues. If you have any concerns about your status, please contact me at or 240-305-0860.
1. We create our Greensheet newsletter on WordPress, and it then ALWAYS automagically appears on our website, under the Greensheet tab, here:
2. If you have a Facebook account—even one you never use—you can read our news and send us messages via our Facebook account at
3. We are currently unable to email the Greensheet via our WordPress account. That’s because we need to install a new “mail plugin” with our WordPress account. The mail plugin we were using is not compatible with our current version of WordPress. Your current Greensheet editor attempted to install a new mail plugin, but that level of technology is WAY above her head. We have a volunteer lined up to fix that issue. (Thank you!)
In a pinch, we can and do email those in our Elvanto church membership software a plain version of our Greensheet….without photos. Not everyone who signed up on WordPress is on our Elvanto list. We’re looking for a volunteer to make sure those two lists match.
Thanks for your patience. REMEMBER—you can always see the Greensheet on our website, and you can always read our news on our Facebook page.
Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot that you don’t mind being public are all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet.
Deadline for each week: SUNDAY 3pm or before publication, whichever comes last. We hope to get the Greensheet out, our Facebook event for the next week posted, and more each Sunday evening or Monday at the latest. Thanks!
The next UUFA board meeting will be SATURDAY February 11th at 10:30am by Zoom. All members are welcome to attend.
The next UUFA programming meeting will be Sunday, February 12th at 1pm by Zoom. More people, more music, more ideas all welcome! All members and friends are welcome to attend.