Come join us this Sunday, April 24th, 11am by Zoom or masked/vaxxed in person..kn95 or n95 masks required. Those attending our service in person will have another chance at FREE SEEDS for their gardens! We’ll have a table set up on the deck again for you to choose your seeds. If you have extra seeds, feel free to add them to the seed sharing table.
Now, about our special guest and her talk this Sunday:
We all die, and most of us will grieve the deaths of those we love. While this experience is universal, it’s often talked of only in hushed voices. It’s considered impolite to discuss death or not hide it behind euphemisms like, “passed away.” Talking about death and dying is also a quick path to being considered the most depressing person in a room!
Dr. Amy White, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Ohio University, wants us to talk about death. In this presentation, Dr. White will give a brief overview of her journey to focusing her research on the philosophy of death and dying. She will consider the questions surrounding what exactly death involves, how grief works, and offer a brief overview of a few cultural practices related to death. After the formal presentation, participants will be encouraged to ask questions, share experiences, and freely talk about this taboo topic.
NOTE: Our board is still requiring vaccination cards and kn95 or equivalent masks of folks entering the building for Sunday services. We have many folks who truly appreciate us flipping the “usual narrative.” Usually Zoom is for those who are at risk where in-person places are not safe for them. At the fellowship, we’re doing Zoom for anyone who doesn’t want to wear a nk95 or n95 mask or get vaccinated, thus keeping the fellowship safe for the most vulnerable. We do, however, allow our presenters to unmask when speaking in the front of the fellowship. Some choose to stay masked.
RELATED NEWS: The Southeast Ohio Natural Burial Working Group will be holding two Death Cafes on the grounds of the UU Fellowship, one on Sunday May 15th and another on Sunday, June 26th, both in the late afternoon. Stay tuned for more information here or on the Facebook Page of the Southeast Ohio Natural Burial Working Group.
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Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153
We are excited to announce that on Sunday May 1st, we’ll have our first Beltane & May Pole Celebration since the pandemic began. Please bring musical instruments, rain gear if needed, and lots of energy for dancing around the May Pole outside as we enjoy ourselves in a party atmosphere. More details will follow in next week’s Greensheet newsletter and on Facebook.
UUFA members held the 2022 Business Meeting on Sunday, April 10, following the service. Thank you to everyone who participated in and contributed to the success of this meeting. Our Fellowship community is truly a special place! Several important items were discussed and voted on at the meeting.
We are a thriving community whose members experience a deep sense of belonging, caring and hopefulness. We open our doors to all who long to engage in activities that nourish the mind, body, and spirit. We work to effect positive change by putting our minds, hearts, and Unitarian Universalist principles into the service of our community, region, nation, and world.
Building connections, serving one another, renewing spirit, inspiring action.
We voted on a new Leadership Team for the fiscal year starting on July 1. Many thanks to Richard Thieret for standing for President, and to Barb Harrison for stepping in as President-Elect. Fred Snell will take over as Sexton, Marilyn Zwayer will continue as Recorder, and upon stepping down as President, I will continue as Treasurer. Andy Ray, Jessie Robison, and Roberta Robison will continue as At-Large members of the Board. When you see him, please thank Brian Richards for his years of service on the Board in multiple roles, including President and At-Large Member.
We voted on a modest Budget for the new year, one that regrettably does not yet provide funding to restore our quarter-time minister. However, as our Pledge Drive is coming up, it may be possible to make changes to our spending plans. So here’s hoping for a generous response to the pledge drive! Of course all we can ask is that our members and friends donate according to their means. All contributions of your time and talents to the life of the Fellowship–above and beyond pledges of treasure–are valued and appreciated!
Finally, we voted on changes to the UUFA Bylaws, most of which serve to simplify the required committee structure and to make other organizational changes better suited to a congregation of our size.
The revised Bylaws and other materials related to the Annual Meeting will be available soon on the Elvanto platform (which should be accessible to all Members,) as well as on our website: If you have any questions or thoughts about plans for the Fellowship, please feel free to reach out to me or any member of the Board.