In attendance: Paul P, Jackie W, Lynda S, Michael P, Wenda S, Sam P, Sarah M, Barb H, Roberta R, Pat G, Daniel W, Jeremy B, Natalie B.
Ministers report: See attached. Don Rollins is seeking religious community support for his at risk youth program. $250 donation and he will come once a year to talk about his ministry. Will discuss in future.
Old Business
Key Policy – draft update from 11/2 meeting—Accepted Sam motion, Natalie seconded. Will be published in Greensheet and on web. If you don’t get yours, get in touch with Sam. Make your end of the year tax deductible donations NOW!
New Business
Finance policy – Finance committee’s newly drafted policy done with a view to clarifying process and procedures of finance team. OMD and Finance committee ideas could be merged. Records are in excel at the moment. Conversion to Quickbooks will take time—it’s ongoing. Finance and IT folks could meet and sort out a way to facilitate.
Annual Mtg. – Nominating Committee (3 people) Meeting is March 15th Wenda nominated Dru Evarts, Jeremy Bowman, Roberta Roberson.
Committee Reports
RE /Programming – Natalie & Paul. Teachers and Erik recognized for their service. Sarah and Elli’s last Sunday. Natalie needs a couple of people who are willing to be on the committee. Sunday programming done through April.
Facilities & Communications – Patrick, Michael & Daniel. Greensheet needs articles—once in, can start publishing again. Entries needed before end of month. Bathrooms underway—will be done by Breakaway.
COM & Membership – Jessie and Michael. Survey well underway—results by end of January.
Winter Breakaway – Barb & Paul. Meeting on Friday afternoon and Saturday to decorate/setup