“A Season for Surviving and Thriving”
with delfin bautista
Sunday 11am EDT by Zoom
During this hectic time of the year made more hectic due to the pandemic, politics, social issues, and life as a whole, delfin will help us explore how to not only survive but thrive through the rest of the year by harnessing the power of story. delfin will share their own story of remembering and re-membering who they are and invite those gathered to create, reflect, and share their own stories of resilience. We will share lessons lived through bloopers, trial and error, and moments of celebration that spark not only survival but wholizing thriving.
SUNDAY SERVICE Join by Phone: Use your phone to dial either 312 626 6799 or 646 876 9923. Then, when asked, enter meeting ID: 823 6539 7153 OR cut & paste this whole string of numbers, a couple commas, and an ending number symbol into your phone and it’ll dial all that automagically: +16468769923,,82365397153#
SUNDAY SERVICE Join via Zoom: If you’ve already download the Zoom app, then simply click on this link to join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82365397153
November 20 was Transgender Day of Remembrance
A Chapel service was held on Zoom which you are invited to watch (link below.) As a Welcoming Congregation, UUFA is called, as expressed by Rev. Michael J. Crumpler, UUA’s LGBTQ and Multicultural Programs Director, “to do everything we can to celebrate the transgender, genderqueer, and non-binary community by dismantling any and all barriers to total equity and full inclusion in our congregations, institutions, and society at large.”
- 2020 UUA Transgender Day of Remembrance Chapel – https://tinyurl.com/2020UUATDORchapelvideo / (Full Transcript)
- Resources to Support the Transgender Community – https://tinyurl.com/UUATDORsupport
- UPLIFT Newsletter – November 2020 – 2020 UUA TDOR Chapel – Nov. 20th
Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio (UUJO) News
The Annual Meeting was held via Zoom on Nov. 21. Hear the inspirational speakers on the UUJO YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHUTwZ0RIzYhwUyTIjpozeQ/videos
It’s not too late to share your opinion on the Ohio issues that UUJO should focus on for the coming year! Vote here—Priorities Survey—https://bit.ly/35QysGm
“TIME OUT TUESDAYS” Looking for some midweek “vespers” time with UUFA folks? Ready to do some reflecting and sharing? Join Rev. Don Rollins every other Tuesday. Next one? Tuesday, December 8th at 7pm.
TIME OUT TUESDAYS Join by Phone: Use your phone to dial either 312 626 6799 or 646 876 9923. Then, when asked, enter meeting ID: 827 9379 7593 OR cut & paste this whole string of numbers, a couple commas, and an ending number symbol into your phone and it’ll dial all that automagically: +13017158592,,82793797593#
TIME OUT TUESDAYS Join via Zoom: If you’ve already download the Zoom app, then simply click on this link to join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82793797593
THE UUFA BOARD’S NEXT MEETING will probably be on Saturday December 12th at 2pm via Zoom. All members are invited to attend. Contact a board member for Zoom login information.
THE UUFA PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE will meet Sunday, December 13th at 7pm via Zoom. All members are invited to attend. Future Sundays below, subject to change. Contact Wenda, Katie, Susan, Brian, or Barb for Zoom login info. Ideas most welcome. All information subject to change. Check our website or Facebook page for the latest information.
Dec. 13th – Rev. Rollins
Dec. 20th – Winter Solstice Service led by Barb & Roberta
Dec. 24th – Christmas Eve Service
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER: Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot that you don’t mind being public are all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!