UUFA SERVICE THIS SUNDAY February 16, 2020. “Love, Part Two.” When is loving our enemies the answer? When is it not the answer? When does loving yourself, protecting yourself, and disagreeing with others preclude loving them? In this talk, we’ll listen to original sources and then discuss each one as a group. Please feel free to join us for coffee and community at 10:30. Coffee 10:30am, Service 11:00am. 184 Longview Heights Road, Athens, Ohio 45701
CHILDREN THIS SUNDAY: EMBROIDERY! This Sunday, February 16th, the children will try embroidering a chalice on fabric. All will choose fabric, draw a chalice on the fabric, stretch the fabric on an embroidery hoop, choose colored thread, thread an embroidery needle, and learn a couple basic embroidery stitches. Adults welcome to join us anytime!
The login information is the same for both webinars. If you need to learn more about the Zoom platform, please visit their website at https://zoom.usTopic: Small Numbers January Webinarhttps://zoom.us/j/6515921651 Meeting ID: 651 592 1651One tap mobile +14086380968,,6515921651#Dial direct +1 408-638-0698 US Meeting ID: 651 592 1651
FUTURE SUNDAYS & EVENTS – Subject to change—your ideas welcome. If you have an idea for a service, but don’t want to plan all the readings and music, we’ll do that planning for you! The next programming committee meeting is online via Zoom on Friday, February 21st at 6pm. All welcome to participate. To participate, download Zoom and ask us for the Zoom invitation in advance. – Katie, Brian, Susan & Wenda.
Sunday, February 23rd: Liz Shaw of Indivisible Appalachian Ohio, Guest Speaker on Food Insecurity & Distribution & Music by the UUFA Choir
Sunday, March 1st: Transgender Theologies by delfin bautista (Yale Divinity School graduate)
Sunday, March 8th: Rev. Don Rollins
Sunday, March 15th: TBD
Sunday, March 22nd: Spring Equinox & Music by the UUFA Choir
Sunday, March 29th: Nate Kojun Hayes
Sunday, April 5th: Andy Ray
Sunday, April 12th: Rev. Don Rollins
Sunday, April 19th: Earth Day, organized by Wenda with Music by the UUFA Choir
Sunday, April 26th: Indigenous People History with Susan W.
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER: Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!