International Sale and Spaghetti Dinner at UUFA on Saturday February 8th at 5:30pm. Advance tickets required by calling Richard 740-818-4775 by Thursday. $10 adults, children’s ticket prices by donation based on appetite :-). Gluten-free and vegan options available by advance reservation. More donations welcome. Items you purchased overseas and items made overseas are great for donating. Thanks! This is our yearly fundraiser. All items will be sold with stories, true or false. Master of Ceremonies: Richard T.
UUFA SERVICE THIS SUNDAY February 9, 2020. “All You Need is Love, Revisited” Rev. Don Rollins will lead us in his updated February service on love, mushy as well as the steely-eyed kind necessary to facing down oppression, racism and a country losing its bearings. Coffee 10:30am, Service 11:00am. POTLUCK at noon. 184 Longview Heights Road, Athens, Ohio 45701
CHILDREN THIS SUNDAY: This Sunday, February 9th, the children will be sewing microwaveable, long-heat-lasting, eye-warming pillows filled with lavender flowers and flax seeds. The children were quite pleased to pass out some of their extra rice-filled eye-pillows sewn on January 26th to adults in need of extra love. Now we’re trying flax seeds.
KUDOS to Lois Whealey! Found this week in the College of Arts and Sciences Forum (newsletter): Our UUFA member Lois Whealey recognized for Excellence in Activism. For the entire article, see:
CHANGE of times for Harry Coffey 1927-2020. The Remembrance Party for Harry Coffey at the Athens Friends Meeting House on Saturday, February 29th will now be from 1:30-3:30 for socializing and telling stories. Friends are asked to bring finger foods for the reception if possible.
Why not join a local Athens group interested in establishing the first Green Cemetery in Athens County to provide affordable and environmentally sound burial options? Please join the next open meeting Wednesday, February 5th at 6:00 pm at the Athens Public Library. The group has met once, created a Working/Research Group, and brainstormed as follows:
1). Land Preserve/Green Cemetery (land acquisition, location, soil type, etc.)
2). Legalities/Certification (Green Burial Council?)
3). End of Life Guides (doulas), Death Care Consultants, Funeral Service
4). Conducting Home Funerals, Preparing the Body
5). Green Burial Containers/Shrouds/Native Plants
6). Business Planning and Operations
7). Education, Outreach, and Networking (field trips?)
8). Social Media Campaigns/Green Burial Website and Facebook group
For more information or questions please reach out to:
Starmary Castro or Cheryl Cesta
FUTURE SUNDAYS & EVENTS – Subject to change—your ideas welcome. If you have an idea for a service, but don’t want to plan all the readings and music, we’ll do that planning for you! The next programming committee meeting is online via Zoom on Friday, February 21st at 6pm. All welcome to participate. To participate, download Zoom and ask us for the Zoom invitation in advance. – Katie, Brian, Susan & Wenda.
Sunday, February 16th: Love, Part 2, by Brian Richards
Sunday, February 23rd: TBA Guest Speaker on Food Insecurity & Distribution
Sunday, March 1st: Transgender Theologies by delfin bautista (Yale Divinity School graduate)
Sunday, March 8th: Rev. Don Rollins
Sunday, March 15th: TBD
Sunday, March 22nd: Spring Equinox
Sunday, March 29th: Nate Kojun Hayes
Sunday, April 5th: Andy Ray
Sunday, April 12th: Rev. Don Rollins
Sunday, April 19th: Earth Day, organized by Wenda
Sunday, April 26th: Indigenous People History with Susan W.
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER: Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!