“Athens United Immigrant Support Project”
Sunday 11am EST by Zoom
February 7, 2021
Kerri Shaw and Debbie Schmieding of the Athens United Immigrant Support Project will speak to us about their work sponsoring asylum seekers who are in detention, at the border, have moved to Athens, or used Athens as a stepping stone to a life in the US. To date, the group has sponsored nearly 20 asylum-seekers, including two families with children, from 8 countries.
AUISP is a registered non-profit that is working on getting 501c3 status. AUISP has LOTS of ways for people to get involved, welcome newcomers, and put faith into action. They also have a newsletter and Facebook page.
SUNDAY SERVICE Join via Zoom: If you’ve already download the Zoom app, then simply click on this link to join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82365397153
SUNDAY SERVICE Join by Phone: Use your phone to dial either 312 626 6799 or 646 876 9923. Then, when asked, enter meeting ID: 823 6539 7153 OR cut & paste this whole string of numbers, a couple commas, and an ending number symbol into your phone and it’ll dial all that automagically: +16468769923,,82365397153#
Dear Ones,
I am almost at the point in the winter where I’ve had enough of the cold and the gray skies. How about you? But I’ve enjoyed the two recent moderate snowfalls we’ve had! What I like the most is the quiet that falls upon the land. No more traffic on my street; everything is hushed. The snow brings a sense of peace. Safely tucked in my warm home, I relax into the coziness of winter. Of course, I might feel differently if my work or other factors forced me out into the weather!
The Sunday Services of the UU Fellowship are part of the winter coziness too. Instead of venturing out on potentially slippery roads, I can share in our Sunday get-togethers from the comfort of my home! Lovely! The Board and Programming Committee are talking about how to continue our virtual services even after the Fellowship building reopens. We want to see you all whether online or (eventually) in real life!
Peace, Suusan suusanw.uu@gmail.com ; 240-305-0860
If you see something interesting, talk to a Board member about participation.
Looking for some midweek “vespers” time with UUFA folks? Ready to do some reflecting and sharing? Join Rev. Don Rollins NOW ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS, next THIS Tuesday, February 9th at 7pm.
TIME OUT TUESDAYS Join via Zoom: If you’ve already download the Zoom app, then simply click on this link to join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82793797593
TIME OUT TUESDAYS Join by Phone: Use your phone to dial either 312 626 6799 or 646 876 9923. Then, when asked, enter meeting ID: 827 9379 7593 OR cut & paste this whole string of numbers, a couple commas, and an ending number symbol into your phone and it’ll dial all that automagically: +13017158592,,82793797593#
THE UUFA BOARD’S NEXT MEETING will be on Saturday, February 13th at 2:30 pm via Zoom. All members are invited to attend. Contact a board member for Zoom login information.
The UUFA Programming Committee seeks your ideas of programs for our Sunday mornings. Would you like to present during one of our Sundays? Would you like to share music or readings? Can you recommend a good speaker?
The committee will meet next on Sunday, February 14th at 7pm via Zoom. All members are invited to attend. Future Sundays below, subject to change. Contact Wenda, Katie, Susan, Brian, or Barb for Zoom login info. Ideas most welcome. All information subject to change, and exact titles are likely to change. Check our website or Facebook page for the latest information.
Feb. 9th – Time Out Tuesday with Rev. Don Rollins 7pm
Feb. 14th – Rev. Don Rollins
Feb. 21st – Nate Kojun Hayes
Feb. 23rd – Time Out Tuesday with Rev. Don Rollins 7pm
Feb 28th – “Disability Day of Mourning” with Katie
March 7th – TBD
March 9th – Time Out Tuesday with Rev. Don Rollins 7pm
March 14th – Rev. Don Rollins & Pledge Sunday
March 21st – TBD
March 23rd – Time Out Tuesday with Rev. Don Rollins 7pm
March 28th – Celebrating the March 31st International Transgender Day of Visibility with Jasper Wirtshafter
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER: NEW FOR 2021: We’re aiming for Thursday morning publication. Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot that you don’t mind being public are all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Wednesday or before publication, whichever comes last. Thanks!