Growing Up UU

This Sunday at 11am, some of our members and others who have grown up in the UU faith will tell stories about their UUism beginning during their childhoods. You’re welcome to share your own growing-up UU stories as well. Technology gods be willing, we’ll hear some harp music by Patrick McGee.

This will be a hybrid service….by “hybrid service” we mean most of us have choice on how to attend the service. Everyone is welcome to attend via Zoom. If you’re fully vaccinated against COVID-19, you’re welcome to show us your vaccination card and wear a KN95 or N95 mask and attend in person. We encourage all who are able and comfortable to attend in person.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153
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Sunday February 27th – OU Ombudsman Mac Stricken will be our guest.
Saturday March 12th – UUFA Board Meeting & UUFA Programming Meeting
Sunday April 10th – We’ll have our annual meeting after the service.