Healing & Decriminalization – Sunday Feb. 5th


Come join our Service on Sunday, February 5th, 11am in person (face masks encouraged) or by Zoom. We’re in the fourth Sunday of the UUA’s 30 Days of Love, an annual celebration that runs from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January through Valentine’s Day in February. It is an opportunity to collectively nurture our spirits, deepen our understanding, and take action on our values for collective liberation.

For this week of Side With Love’s “30 Days of Love” campaign leading up to Valentines Day, let’s talk about crime. No, really! As UUs dedicated to justice and community, how does the contemporary US carceral system violate our values? Can we change the ways we look at crime and the people who commit crime? It’s time to examine our assumptions about these issues. Service leader: Susan Westenbarger, she/her

Please join us.

NEW FACE MASK NOTES: As of January 14, 2022, the UUFA board moved from a mandatory face mask policy for Sunday Services to a “face masks encouraged” policy. Thank you to all who continue to wear face masks to protect the most vulnerable among us. We provide Zoom access for those unable to attend in person. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153
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Many thanks to Dr. Nancy Manring for sharing her climate justice knowledge last Sunday. As promised, here’s information on the UUA’s climate justice efforts: https://www.uua.org/environment

And here’s the UUA’s Side with Love page where you can side a climate pledge and sign up for news: https://sidewithlove.org

Please do take a minute to sign the pledge, and let’s talk about signing up as a congregation.



The Fellowship received a call on Sunday, Jan 22 from Susan Kantner Stewart. If that name is familiar at all it’s probably because her grandparents Claude and Virginia Kantner were founding members (or at least very very early members) of UUFA. Claude, for whom Kantner Hall on the OU campus was named, was Associate Dean of the College of Communication and Director of the Department of Dramatic Art and Speech. Claude and Virginia’s ashes are in our columbarium.
Susan was delighted to learn that some of us UUFA and Athens old-timers remember her grandparents; Susan and her siblings never lived in Athens, but they visited their grandparents regularly and attended UUFA services with them. I enjoyed hearing stories of Claude and Virginia and their lives in Athens. It means a lot to me that people like Susan remember the Fellowship fondly, even after many year away.   submitted by – Susan W.


MUSIC!  February 11th in our UUFA FELLOWSHIP HALL

It’s Carnival time which means we need music, dancing, king cake, and friends! Bring your drinks and we’ll bring the cake!

Doors open at 7:00. Music starts at 7:30.
No tickets needed. You can pay what you wish at the show. @athensohio
Big thanks to our friends at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship for allowing us to fill it up with music.




1. We create our Greensheet newsletter on WordPress, and it then ALWAYS automagically appears on our website, under the Greensheet tab, here: http://uuathensoh.org/home/the-greensheet/

2. If you have a Facebook account—even one you never use—you can see our Facebook events and send us messages via our Facebook account at https://www.facebook.com/uuathensoh

3. Currently, we email the Greensheet to those with emails in our Elvanto church software. Not everyone who signed up on WordPress is on our Elvanto list. We’re looking for a volunteer to make sure those two lists match. If you want to be on our Elvanto list, email wendasheard@yahoo.com



Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line.

When we receive blurbs and descriptions of a Sunday service, we publish within 24 hours, as well as create and share a Facebook event and email the Greensheet to all with emails in our Elvanto system. Thanks in advance to all presenters and others who submit information early.

Deadline for each week: SUNDAY 3pm or before publication, whichever comes last. We hope to get the Greensheet out, our Facebook event for the next week posted, and more each Sunday evening or Monday at the latest. Thanks!



The next UUFA board meeting will be SATURDAY February 11th at 10:30am by Zoom. All members are welcome to attend.


The next UUFA programming meeting will be Sunday, February 12th at 1pm by Zoom. More people, more music, more ideas all welcome! All members and friends are welcome to attend.