The service will be in-person (facemasks welcome) and by Zoom.
Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153
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Today was the last UUFA board meeting of the 2022 to 2023 fiscal year. As of July 1st, Barb Harrison is stepping up into the UUFA president position, and Richard Thieret is stepping down from that position, but will remain on the board. All other board members will retain their positions, including Marilyn Z. as secretary, and Susan W. as treasurer. The board is grateful that Nellie W. will be joining the board on July 1st.
All members are welcome at board meetings, and welcome to indicate their interest in joining the board, or joining any of the fellowship committees.
Topics during today’s UUFA board meeting included:
- further improving our Sunday morning technology,
- our fellowship’s participation in the UUA General Assembly at the end of June,
- our fellowship’s presence in recent LGBTQ+ Pride events, and
- our fellowship’s participation in Juneteenth events.
This is Jessie Roberson; I am leading the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens’ (“UUFA”) Pledge Drive for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. I write to ask your help as the UUFA Executive Committee works to wrap up preparations for the coming year. As you may recall, our bylaws require all members to submit an annual pledge form and to make an identifiable contribution to maintain their membership status. HOWEVER, what you pledge and what you actually contribute is entirely up to you.
The budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2023, that was approved at the UUFA Annual Meeting, reflects the bare bones operation to which our Executive Committee shifted as we scrambled to adjust, given the myriad impacts of the Co-Vid 19 pandemic. As the plague continues to wane, we plan to continue doing hybrid services; but we also hope to return to “normal” operation. Doing services in our sanctuary is a primary focus. Indeed, we have begun implementation of planned updates and enhancements to our delivery of Sunday services.
Having as many returned pledge forms as possible will help to expedite our return to normalcy. Imagine trying to manage your household spending without having a reasonable idea of what your income will be each month. Pledges are an essential tool that allow the Executive Committee to make a realistic assessment of the likely resources available to support the functions and services we hope to deliver to our community and our congregation over the coming year. It is now possible to pay your pledge in cash, by check or on line. As you may have noticed in our weekly Greensheet and/or Sunday announcements, our building hosts four or five activities per week. The Executive Committee is trying to make our beautiful building a community asset. Our improvements help advance that objective.
Please take a few moments to fill out and return the pledge form attached. You can return it in person during a service at the Fellowship, mail it (to UUFA, P.O. Box 0333, Athens, OH 45701), or return it via email by sending it to (FYI: it would be possible to pay toward a pledge using our link to, ).
The Executive Committee will look at the pledges at the end of the fiscal year (June 30 2023) and make appropriate adjustments to the budget in light of our financial support. Of course, we will gladly accept your support however and whenever you choose to give it. However, the Executive Committee deeply appreciates your help in finalizing the various things that need to get done. Please fill out a pledge form as soon as you can manage it.
Thank you for your time, attention and support.
For the UUFA Executive Committee,
Jessie C. Roberson
P.O. BOX 333
ATHENS, OH 45701
WEEKLY EVENTS IN THE FELLOWSHIP (but contact leader before attending):
Tuesday 6:00 to 8:00 pm West African Rhythms with Lawrence Greene, ALL ARE WELCOME, drums provided. $15 per session. Contact Lawrence to reaffirm your attendance and to know if the session you seek to attend is still on. Text 740-444-1407.
Wednesday 10:00 am to 11:00 am Zumba with Kim Knapp Brown. ALL ARE WELCOME. No cost, donations welcome for use of building. Contact Kim to reaffirm your attendance and to know if the session you seek to attend is still on. Text 740-590-5079.
Wednesday 7pm Alcoholics Anonymous closed meeting. See for details about that meeting.
Thursday 2:00 pm – 4:15 pm, Threshold Singers, with Suzanne Perry. ALL ARE WELCOME. Must join the national threshold singers organization, at $50/ yr. Then no cost, donations welcome for use of building. Contact Suzanne to reaffirm your attendance and to know if the session you seek to attend is still on. Text 740 – 591-0303
The next UUFA board meeting has not yet been set. All members are welcome to attend. For the Zoom link, text Richard 740-818-4775, or contact any other board member.
The next UUFA programming meeting has not yet been set. Contact Barb H. or any board member if you’re able to join us. More people, more music, more ideas all welcome! All members and friends are welcome to attend.
GREENSHEET DEADLINE (hopefully but rarely Sunday 3pm)
Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line.
When we receive blurbs and descriptions of a Sunday service, we aspire to publish within 24 hours, as well as create and share a Facebook event and email the Greensheet to all with emails in our Elvanto system. Thanks in advance to all presenters and others who submit information early.
Aspirational deadline for each week: SUNDAY 3pm or before publication, whichever comes last. Thanks!