UUFA THIS SUNDAY January 19, 2020. Defining and Building Community. Katie Evans will share her thoughts on how we define and build community gathered from her own experiences. Come prepared to do some reflecting as well as sharing your own thoughts. Coffee 10:30am, Service 11:00am. 184 Longview Heights Road, Athens, Ohio 45701
UUFA CHILDREN THIS SUNDAY: Our children will once again continue making vision boards of their goals and values for the new year, with an eye towards possibly leading the UUFA adults in a vision board making service in a few months.
International Sale and Spaghetti Dinner at UUFA on Saturday February 8th at 5:30pm. Advance tickets required: $10 adults, children’s ticket prices by donation based on appetite :-). Gluten-free and vegan options available by advance reservation. Please donate items for sale. Items you purchased overseas and items made overseas are great for donating. Please bring items to UUFA any Sunday. This is our yearly fundraiser. Tickets are available before and after service each Sunday. All items will be sold with stories, true or false. Master of Ceremonies: Richard T.
At UUFA we have identified three basic ideas, or “pillars,” as central to our identity as a faith community: religious pluralism, inclusive community, and sustainable living.
Religious pluralism is a commitment to value and affirm all religions as equally valid traditions of wisdom and spiritual expression, and to support each individual in pursuing their unique spiritual path or experience of connection with something larger than the self. We believe there is one light and many paths to it, and we value open, honest, and caring dialogue among the various paths.
Inclusive community means that religion is for everyone. We believe our duty as people of faith is to offer an experience of community that is welcoming to all, of any race or gender or sexual orientation or age or creed or political inclination. And we seek to integrate that diversity into a rich and harmonious community.
Sustainable living means that we understand ourselves as interdependent, with each other and with the community of life on this planet. Therefore, we are called to work for the good of the web of life in which we participate, and to honor each creature’s place in that web as equal in importance to our own. We seek to live in a way that allows all to live well.
These are the principles that guide UUFA’s ministry in its community. These are the yardsticks by which we measure our efforts to live out our faith.
FUTURE SUNDAYS & EVENTS – Subject to change—your ideas welcome. If you have an idea for a service, but don’t want to plan all the readings and music, we’ll do that planning for you! The next programming committee meeting is online via Zoom on Friday, January 17th at 6pm. All welcome to participate. To participate, download Zoom and ask us for the Zoom invitation in advance. – Katie, Brian, Susan & Wenda.
Sunday, January 26th: Susan Westenbarger with a UU Justice Ohio Update
Sunday, February 2nd: Imbolc
Sunday, February 9th: Rev. Don Rollins
Sunday, February 16th: Love, Part 2, by Brian Richards
Sunday, February 23rd:
Sunday, March 1st:
Sunday, March 8th: Rev. Don Rollins
Sunday, March 15th:
Sunday, March 22nd: Spring Equinox
Sunday, March 29th:
Sunday, April 5th: Andy Ray
Sunday, April 12th: Rev. Don Rollins
Sunday, April 19th: Earth Day, organized by Wenda
Sunday, April 26th:
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER: Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!