UUFA Greensheet

THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2019, Please join us for “UUFA and the Zero Waste Dilemma” 11:00 a.m.  The approach of spring is a perfect time to look at our personal habits and to review our intentions for doing our part to preserve the survivability our planet’s biological shell. Our service will consider how we as individuals and as a community are implementing the 7th UU Principle, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part,” in terms of our own recycling, reusing, and re-purposing habits.
We are pleased to be joined this Sunday by Andrea Reany, Rural Action’s Zero Waste Program Manager. She and her staff will be here to help us learn more about how we can help promote a zero waste economy. A zero waste economy is one where product development is designed to conserve natural resources, product design leads to reuse, repair, recycling or composting, and all discards become assets that benefit the people, the planet and the local economy, rather than becoming refuse. Join us to learn more about the Zero Waste Program’s work which includes education about recycling, waste assessment of homes and businesses, dumpsite clean-ups, zero waste events, and the implementation of the Athens Hocking Zero Waste Action Plan.
This Sunday’s Special Treat: Our UUFA Choir will sing as part of the service. Coffee and conversation at 10:30am, Service at 11:00am.

OUR CHILDREN’S PROGRAM This Sunday, we’ll start to create a story that incorporates all our box creations. We’ll also have time for more creations. Come join us to take part and see what develops. Bring a few more cardboard boxes if you’re so inclined. Yes, our children are turning discards into assets, and will recycle when finished.  Nice, eh?

TIME TO BECOME A MEMBER? If you’ve been thinking it might be time to deepen your relationship with UUFA, please know that Rev. Don Rollins is inviting interested folks to join him for a casual lunch discussion. Topics will include UU history and values, UUFA, and whatever questions you might have. We’ll meet at Gran Ranchero, 979 E. State Street on Saturday, February 9, at noon. To confirm, email or text Don at: donaldlrollins@gmail.com or 740-988-7834 no later than Friday, February 8.

TONIGHT, TUESDAY: CHOIR at  7pm. Newcomers welcome, as usual. This will be the last rehearsal before the choir sings this coming Sunday, February 3rd.

LAST SATURDAY’S MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR DR. FRANK MYERS: Many thanks to Barb, Pat, Jessie, Roberta, David, Heather, Marsha, Richard, and many others who helped by making arrangements for the memorial service, cleaning and decorating the fellowship beforehand, greeting guests as they arrived, and cleaning up afterwards. We had a full sanctuary and a full parking lot for the service led by our former minister, Rev. Evan Young who currently serves as the minister at United Campus Ministry at Ohio University. Thank you very much to Dr. Frank Myers’ family for welcoming us all to be a part of the service. Dr. Frank will live on in our hearts and memories.
P.S. If you want to share a memory of Dr. Frank Myers here in our Greensheet, please email your memory to wendasheard@yahoo.com before next Tuesday. We’re hoping to publish a group of memories sometime in the next few weeks..

NEW DATE – Saturday March 9th Spaghetti Dinner and International Auction. Due to closures in January, Richard Thieret and others decided to move the spaghetti dinner (gf & vegan options!) and international auction forward one month, to Saturday, March 9th. Stay tuned for more information after the February 10th UUFA board meeting. Under consideration: Sliding scale $5-$10 for tickets, donation of proceeds to be split between UUFA and the Food Pantry, music for the evening. Volunteers needed….see Richard to volunteer. Thanks!

PROGRAMMING AND RE COMMITTEE REPORT  Our Programming & RE Committee meeting met last Thursday via Zoom. Members of that committee are Katie, Brian, and Wenda. Rev. Don Rollins also attends. You’ll see the results of our work in the “Future Sundays” section of this newsletter. If YOU have an idea for a program, please let us know. If YOU have an idea of a theme for this coming summer’s programs, please let us know. If YOU are willing to play music for an upcoming program, please let us know. Thanks!

WEATHER-RELATED CLOSINGS: If the roads are treacherous, please make sure to check our Facebook page or website on Sunday morning before venturing out in our direction. Thank you.

END OF LIFE PLANNING GROUP:  During Sunday’s service four weeks ago, we explored End of Life Planning and talked about how the UUFA might help with our individual plans. If you are interested in joining a small End of Life Planning group to help you make your plans, please let us know.

THE WIDER COMMUNITY We are proud of our many connections to the greater community. Please send your Greensheet editor news of your recent work in the community for publication here. Thanks.

OUR NEXT BOARD MEETING Our next UUFA Board Meeting will be 10am Sunday, February 10th, in the Ploghoft room. All members are welcome to attend.

OUR NEXT PROGRAMMING AND RE MEETING We plan to meet again on February 21st via Zoom online. We usually meet at 7pm. The start time can be pushed back to 8 pm or a little bit after if that will work better. Or it can stay at 7 pm. If you would like to join us that evening, let us know your preference. (Brian, Katie, Wenda, Don).


Feb. 10th – Rev. Don Rollins, Service & Potluck. “Time Flies Like an Eagle, Fruit Flies Like a Banana” – If you’re feeling the midwinter blahs, or are just in need of a good belly laugh, join Don in a service on sacred silliness. You’re invited to send him a brief joke or two to be shared in the service. Not all of them can be used, but if you have something in mind send it to minister@uucnh.org by Thursday, February 7.

Patrick McGee and Lara Wallace, February 17th

Feb. 17th –  Darkness Within, a Fiddler’s Lament, and Ode to Joy, a celebration of sorrow or an invitation to join the dance. Come join Lara Wallace on cello and Patrick McGee on harp, as they explore a post-Valentine’s Day apocalypse of life without chocolate. Whether you are perched on a precipice or buried under the rubble of life, there comes a moment when you may be confronted with that demonic question, “have you noticed?” Give yourself a break from staring down the girl-scout cookies or shoveling snow and join us for a tune or two and a stirring of the soul.

Feb. 24th – CoExist Q&A (Panel of UUFA Members of Various Faiths)

Dr. Jé Hooper, March 3rd

Mar. 3rd – Dr. Jé Hooper

Mar. 10th – Rev. Don Rollins & Monthly Potluck

Mar. 17th – Osatra/Equinox Service led by Katie Evans

Mar. 24th – It’s More Complicated Than That, service led by UUFA President Brian Richards

Mar. 31st – Longtime Southeast Ohio Legal Services Attorney and First Unitarian Church of Marietta member Robin Bozian will speak to us. 

April 7th – Athens County Commissioner Chris Chmiel 

April 14th – Rev. Don Rollins & Monthly Potluck

April 21st – Music Sunday

April 28th – Beltane/May Day Service led by Katie Evans

Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!