THIS SUNDAY at 11am, please join our “online traveling” to the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Marietta (FUUSM). Here’s what’s on their website, here, about their July 26th service:
Our Call To Care for One Another
FUUSM principles and COVID-19
July 26th 11am Annie Warmke, speaker
The members and friends of FUUSM have been a shining example of practicing care for others during the pandemic. How do our caring actions and other decisions reflect on our principles, and how can we strive to live up to the challenges of the COVID-19 virus?
NOTE: You’ll likely have to enter the Password FUUSM2323 to join online, and the Password 267064 to join by telephone. Michelle, who does the tech for FUUSM, is expecting us. Last week the Marietta church hosted UUs from the Charleston, VW church.
Here’s the Zoom link and info:
Meeting ID: 925 7407 6629
Password: FUUSM2323 Phone access to Zoom Dial 301-715-8592 or 1 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 925 7407 6629 (same as above)
Password: 267064 (different for call in by phone)
Our Call to Care for One Another
This Week:
We all have TWO choices of where to donate food for our big UUFA-sponsored donation day for OU international students stranded in Athens without stipends or employment possibilities this summer due to the pandemic.
FIRST CHOICE: for an hour starting at 6pm on Monday, July 27th, Andy Ray will be in the UUFA parking lot to collect food donations from us to take to Baker Center on Tuesday morning, as per below.
SECOND CHOICE: Our official UUFA donation day is Tuesday, July 28th 9:00am-11:00am at the ground level entrance of Baker Center. Pull up to the Go Bus bus-stop sign; volunteers will be watching for vehicles and will unload for you (wearing masks and gloves).
We hope you can contribute. If you are donating from your own pantry, please be sure items are unopened, and not outdated. Food from your garden most welcome.
Please note that Cats’ Cupboard (the Baker Center free food distribution location on the ground floor) has extremely limited cold storage, and requests shelf-stable items only. Due to health and safety concerns, they are unable to break down bulk packaging, so please select individual- or family-size packaged items only.
• Feminine hygiene products
The Ray family’s cat Beaker, a frequent visitor to our fellowship building, has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. He will be missed. Thank you to Diana for allowing us to share the sad news, and allowing us to share this photo.
Join other UUs across the country as we do our part to speak with voters about the November elections. Barb Harrison is our contact so please let her know if you’d like to be invited to virtual phone banking parties and other events! Barb’s cell: 740-707-6197
For inspiration, visit the UU The Vote website:
THE UUFA BOARD will meet on Saturday, August 15th at 2pm via Zoom. All members are invited to attend.
THE UUFA PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE will meet on Sunday, August 9th at 7pm via Zoom. All members are invited to attend.
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER: Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot that you don’t mind being public are all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Thanks!