This Sunday: When The Pastoral Becomes The Prophetic. This Sunday we’ll hear wise words from our UUA President, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray published in the latest UU World Magazine, and then share our own stories and plans about caring for others (the pastoral) as we name and address injustices (the prophetic) in 2020. Sunday, June 14, 2020, at 11:00am via Zoom.
Join by Phone: Use your phone to dial either 312 626 6799 or 646 876 9923.
Then, when asked, enter Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153.
Join via Zoom: If you’ve already download the Zoom app, then simply click on this link to join us:
OU has approximately 900 international students in town, unable to return home or to work in their planned internships or other positions this summer due to Covid-19. For most of them their visa status makes it illegal to look for work outside their academic program: doing so could result in deportation. OU will not start paying them their stipends again until September (last payments were in April). The Cat’s Cupboard, the OU free pantry for students in Baker Center, is convenient but OU Culinary is running low on their emergency supplies for the Cupboard.
Monetary donations should be made at
Produce is very much appreciated! See attached lists for other special requests. Current special needs are for peanut butter, canned meats, coconut milk, quinoa, lentils, personal care items (dish soap, deodorant, toothpaste).
Food and produce can be dropped off at the GoBus stop at the lower level of Baker Center Tuesday mornings from 9-12. People should be on the lookout for your arrival. Wear your mask please. If for some reason no one shows up, call 740-593-1800 (Student Affairs).
The OU International Student Taskforce and Friends of International Students are working to engage other area churches to sign up for different weeks throughout the summer to keep the pantry stocked. We anticipate we will be asking for your support again later this summer.
Currently Cat’s Cupoard has about 75 current pantry users. Students can come every two weeks. New students are signing up weekly, and as they will not be getting their stipends from OU until September, the need is likely to continue to increase.
Creative energies are flowing among many of us during the pandemic. Here is the link for reaching Andy’s new music. Click on the link to request access to the not-yet-released music:
Andy writes: The piece is titled, “Count Up.” It is in 5/8 time (or 10/8, depending on your preference) and progresses from a Cuban feel to a funky style to a Brazilian groove. The key for me is that it owes its creative energy to legacy of the African diaspora. All of the styles come from the influence of the Afro American (not exclusively the U.S., but The Americas) wisdom and knowledge that I revere and seek to better understand.
ARE YOU READY to take a deeper dive into racial equity and social justice through daily readings, weekly discussion groups, and calls to action in our communities?
The Southeast Ohio chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) is working in partnership with the YWCA of Dayton to bring the 21-Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge to southeast Ohio!
There is no fee associated with this Challenge, but participants are encouraged to make a donation to the YWCA Dayton to support their administration of this project as well as their mission: YWCA Dayton is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
ABOUT ZOOM If you don’t already have Zoom on your computer, laptop, or smartphone, download the FREE Zoom app, available at If you haven’t downloaded apps before, or have any questions, please call one of our tech team members: Susan W. 240-305-0860, Wenda S.740-818-1845, or Brian R. 740-274-9677. We would love to help you in exchange for your presence in our lives. Thank you.
The UUFA programming committee’s next meeting will be on Sunday, June 14th at 7pm via Zoom. All members are invited to attend.
FUTURE SUNDAYS Especially if you were formerly on our pre-pandemic schedule of presenters, please let us know if you’re willing to do an interactive Zoom Sunday service.
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER: Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot that you don’t mind being public are all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!